According to a number of internet dns blacklists at 9am today a
computer on our customer's network sent out enough spam to land us on
a blacklist. They don't say which internal computer in particular,
just that it came from our network's IP address.
I've done two different virus scans plus a malwarebytes scan on every
single computer on the network (20 of) plus on our server. No
viruses, no malware found whatsoever.
There's obviously something on one of the computers causing this
problem but I don't want to request delisting from the blacklists
until I'm absolutely sure i've fixed the problem computer.
Is there anything else I can try? Checking 21 systems as you'd expect
is a big job!
I have some packet monitoring software on the server but there's
nothing obvious appearing in the logs (unless I need to look for
something specific).
I've checked and double checked to make sure we don't have an open
relay either - which we dont.
thanks in advance!
computer on our customer's network sent out enough spam to land us on
a blacklist. They don't say which internal computer in particular,
just that it came from our network's IP address.
I've done two different virus scans plus a malwarebytes scan on every
single computer on the network (20 of) plus on our server. No
viruses, no malware found whatsoever.
There's obviously something on one of the computers causing this
problem but I don't want to request delisting from the blacklists
until I'm absolutely sure i've fixed the problem computer.
Is there anything else I can try? Checking 21 systems as you'd expect
is a big job!
I have some packet monitoring software on the server but there's
nothing obvious appearing in the logs (unless I need to look for
something specific).
I've checked and double checked to make sure we don't have an open
relay either - which we dont.
thanks in advance!