HELP! Filtering and sorting lists.



Hi Folks. I have 2 columns of info, 'A' contains quantities and 'B'
contains product name. The same product appears multiple times in
column B, with a respective quantity of the product in the same row in
column 'A'. For example, row 1 may detail 15 apples, row 2 may contain
12 bananas, etc. IF row 3 also has apples, say with a quantity of 5
apples and row 4 has bananas with say a quantity of 6, how do I
consolidate the data to to present a total of 20 apples and 18 bananas?
I hope my simple analogy is clear. I would ideally like the info
presented as a consolidated list, ie row 1 = 20 apples; row 2 = 18
bananas. Any assistance available would be readily and gratefully
received. Thx. AJ Fletcher


One way is to try Pivot Table?

Taking your example,
assume the table below in A1:B5 in Sheet1 (say)

Qty Prod
15 apples
12 bananas
5 apples
6 bananas

Click anywhere within the data

Click Data > Pivot Table Report > Next > Next

In step 3 of the wizard:
drag Prod and drop within ROW area
drag Qty and drop within DATA area
(it'll appear as Sum of Qty)

Click Finish

The Pivot Table (PT) will appear
in a new sheet to the left of Sheet1

The PT will appear as:

Sum of Qty
Prod Total
apples 20
bananas 18
Grand Total 38

(Do hang around awhile for other ways / insights ..)


Cheers Max - Perfect. I always wondered what pivot tables were all
about. Andy

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