Help File Problems



I have been doing some VBA coding using DAO Recordsets in Access 2000.
Normally when I have a question about the specifics of a particular function
or class, say the OpenRecordSet function or the various properties of the
DAO.RecordSet Class, I look in the VBA help file. When I look at the help
topics for these items, it does not load anything. I once had access to
these help topics. In between the last time I used them and now, my company
has upgraded from Windows 98 to XP.
I have tried reinstalling Access with the Office disks, but this has not
helped. All help files have been loaded onto my computer, and I am at a loss
for what to do. Is there an online resource, perhaps on the microsoft
website, that would be able to duplicate the help file functionality? All I
have found is the knowledge base, which isn't directly useful. Thanks.


Try looking for the actual file on disk. It would be named like
VBA*.HLP, or VBA*.CHM, or somesuch. (You can double-click any HLP or
CHM file safely, to see hat it is.) Once you've found it, just create a
shortcut to it. Then you can open it at any time, by double-clicking
the shortcut. This is not as convenient as being able to press F1 from
within the IDE, but it sure beats having nothing at all :)


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