This gets that name
=MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1)+1,32)
It does?
With the OP's example of
Mr. Joe Smith
in cell A1 (note I dropped the period immediately after Smith - I'll stand by
the assumption it's not in A1) your formula returns
Joe Smith
It also would have problems with hyphenated surnames for people with non-Western
European ancestors, which could occasionally exceed 32 characters.
Here's a correct and culturally inclusive alternative assuming that there'd be
nothing after the last name
=MID(TRIM(A15),MAX(IF(MID(TRIM(A15),ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A15))),1)=" ",
It's an array formula. It's also rather redundant. A nonarray formula
alternative that's also somewhat redundant would be
LEN(TRIM(A15))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(A15)," ",""))))+1,LEN(A15))
However, if the OP needs to do this sort of thing often and occasionally needs
greater flexibility (such as handling generational qualifiers like Jr. or
multiple word last names like de la Cruz), then see the following thread.$0a81e030$8ef82ecf@TK2MSFTNGXA04