Hi there!
I really hope someone can help me!
I just bought an external hard drive and enclosure and when I plug the
cable into my computer it recognizes that its attached - but when I go
into my Explore function so that I can drag my files onto it - its no
where to be found?!! I dont see it listed in any 'DRIVE' or
anything....all I can find is that its supposedly in "Location 0"
whatever that means!!!
I dont know what do to!! where can i find it? thank you to anyone who
I really hope someone can help me!
I just bought an external hard drive and enclosure and when I plug the
cable into my computer it recognizes that its attached - but when I go
into my Explore function so that I can drag my files onto it - its no
where to be found?!! I dont see it listed in any 'DRIVE' or
anything....all I can find is that its supposedly in "Location 0"
whatever that means!!!
I dont know what do to!! where can i find it? thank you to anyone who