In Message-ID:<baDqb.93857$mZ5.611534@attbi_s54> posted on Fri, 07 Nov
Mailwasher Pro >> that's very effective against Swen and other spam
I must have missed it. Can you post it again or email me? You have
my addresse(s)?
ntains,html [enabled],HTTP,Filtered,0,OR,Delete,Body,contains,http
---end--- (if it wraps, make sure [enabled] is at the beginning of
each line) Call it [filters.txt] and put it in your MWP program
folder. I recently added the transfer type base64, because some spam
was using that to get around the multipart header label requirements
of RFC822
These filters use a comma delimited format;
1 - The bracketed [enabled] places a check in the activate box
2 - The name of the rule
3 - "filtered" indicates how the hits are marked
4 - The 0 (zero) is the code for black text, you can change as you
like 5 - The OR is boolean for "any" of the conditions being met
6 - "Delete" is how the hits are marked
7 - The part of the message evaluated
8 - indicates criteria for a hit "does or does not contain the
keywords" 9 - repeats #8 as often as there are conditions to eval
Note - A pure text spam like the Nigerian 419s will pass these, but
they are so obvious, and varied that they would exceed the point of
diminishing returns to try and accommodate all of their incarnations.