HELP! disk boot failure

  • Thread starter Thread starter zx6roo
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HELP. Windows updates have killed my PC!

I ran the auto update last night as I haven't done it for about a month. It
downloaded about 8 things and when I shut down I selected "install updates
and shutdown".

I come to turn it on today and my HD is completely f^%$@#d. I have even
tried Bart PE and it says nope sorry there is no HD commected to this PC.

All boot up files are gone, the bios says there is no HD.
I have taken it out and put in this PC as a slave and it doesn't recognise it.
It's a 350gb HD with my work on, need help asap!
zx6roo said:
HELP. Windows updates have killed my PC!

I ran the auto update last night as I haven't done it for about a month. It
downloaded about 8 things and when I shut down I selected "install updates
and shutdown".

I come to turn it on today and my HD is completely f^%$@#d. I have even
tried Bart PE and it says nope sorry there is no HD commected to this PC.

All boot up files are gone, the bios says there is no HD.
I have taken it out and put in this PC as a slave and it doesn't recognise it.
It's a 350gb HD with my work on, need help asap!

Looks like your drive died for sure. If you don't have backups of
your data, maybe something here will help:

zx6roo said:
HELP. Windows updates have killed my PC!

I ran the auto update last night as I haven't done it for about a month. It
downloaded about 8 things and when I shut down I selected "install updates
and shutdown".

I come to turn it on today and my HD is completely f^%$@#d. I have even
tried Bart PE and it says nope sorry there is no HD commected to this PC.

All boot up files are gone, the bios says there is no HD.
I have taken it out and put in this PC as a slave and it doesn't recognise it.
It's a 350gb HD with my work on, need help asap!

Just a coincidence

nothing to do with the updates.

now you see why you must have a backup!
HD is only 8 months old and has been running excellent, no issues what so
ever. Just been reading microsoft website and SP3 causes major problems.
That install would have been one of them.
Yeah a coincidence. Maybe it if it was a dinosaur HD.

Warranty claim perhaps?


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
zx6roo said:
HELP. Windows updates have killed my PC!

I ran the auto update last night as I haven't done it for about a month.
downloaded about 8 things and when I shut down I selected "install updates
and shutdown".

I come to turn it on today and my HD is completely f^%$@#d. I have even
tried Bart PE and it says nope sorry there is no HD commected to this PC.

All boot up files are gone, the bios says there is no HD.
I have taken it out and put in this PC as a slave and it doesn't recognise
It's a 350gb HD with my work on, need help asap!

Sometimes hard drives fail without giving much warning. It just so happens
that yours chose to fail right after an update was applied. I would assume
that you didn't make backup copies of your drive?
HD is only 8 months old and has been running excellent, no issues what so

Its being 8 months old is irrelevant, as is how well it's run before
now. A hard drive can fail at any age.

Just been reading microsoft website and SP3 causes major problems.
That install would have been one of them.

Highly unlikely. If you are getting a message that says "there is no
HD commected to this PC," it's almost certainly not a Windows problem,
but a hardware one. Like the others here who have said the same thing,
I'm almost sure that your drive has failed.

Yeah a coincidence. Maybe it if it was a dinosaur HD.

Windows updates can possibly cause many problems, but doing something
to make the BIOS not see the drive is not possible. Clearly you have a
hardware problem.

No backup? If that's the case, you've been playing with fire, and got
I found a post on another forum that asid if you have this problem turn it
off at the wall then on again and it'll work.

Mind boggles but it works although it has reverted to prior the updates
because I had changed my background, desktop items have changed and some
directories I had deleted are now back. It started up fine so I've back
everything up then switched it off as normal and it's done it again.

The other forum hasn't got a solution either. But like you guys have said a
HD can fail anytime so this one is in the bin!
If your drive is's shot. Buy a sata/ide to usb kit (cant remember
the real name) It comes with a power plug and ide and sata connectors. Plug
into your HD then usb to a computer that works and it will read the HD as an
external so you can get some of the data off it....if the HD is still good.
Great thing to had anyway.
weekendworrior said:
Ok so maybe someone can help me with a big pain.
updated to xp home sp3, after which i had disk boot failure
reboot looked in bios and no hard drive, unplugged hard drive and moved
to other com port.
booted and loaded xp, worked ok, every other time i have to do this, o
yea if i run disk defragment it gits up to say 67% and looses hard drive
so im thinking bad hard drive right, well downgraded to works
what in the world can sp3 be doing to my hard drive to make me have to
unplug it for the computer to see it . i don't get it.

Nothing at all. No Windows software or update will change how your
BIOS views your drive. You have a hardware problem, not a Windows
weekendworrior said:
wrong: windows is killing the link between hard drive and motherboard.

You are a moron. Windows isn't even loaded when the system starts up.

NOTHING is loaded until the system successfully completes the POST.
weekendworrior said:
You know if you don't know how a computer works you should shut your
mouth you punk.

[snip of some really moronic stuff]

You really should follow your own advice.

One final time... Windows does not have an effect on the ability of
your BIOS to detect your hard drive.
weekendworrior said:
Ok so maybe someone can help me with a big pain.
updated to xp home sp3, after which i had disk boot failure
reboot looked in bios and no hard drive,

You have hardware problems.
unplugged hard drive and moved
to other com port.

Hard disks aren't on com ports.
booted and loaded xp, worked ok, every other time i have to do this,

Definitely have hardware problems.

If the disk isn't seen in the BIOS, the OS is not relevant. The BIOS
doesn't know or care what's on the disk.

yea if i run disk defragment it gits up to say 67% and looses hard drive
so im thinking bad hard drive right, well downgraded to works
what in the world can sp3 be doing to my hard drive to make me have to
unplug it for the computer to see it . i don't get it.

Replace the hard disk, and possibly the hard disk controller. It may be as
simple as the cable, but definitely this is a hardware problem.
weekendworrior said:
I know there not com ports i was just being simple sorry.
I know i have hardware problems (sp3 works on other systems)
What i wanted to know was why my system was in good working order with
sp2 but not sp3.
But no could tell my why. I dont work on hard drives just throw them
away, most of the time they work really good or really bad, but this one
was intersting
I did my homework and now know....
Hard drive has bad sectors, sp3 tried to write to the bad sectors,
causing the files to be corrupted.
When sp3 tried to use these files it not only caused windows to crash
but the hard drive itself.

You're clueless. Software does NOT cause bad sectors on a hard drive.
Now sp3 my not have been direcly causing the problem but sure as hell
was indirecly.

No... the bad hard drive was totally the problem you idiot.
weekendworrior said:
I know there not com ports i was just being simple sorry.
I know i have hardware problems (sp3 works on other systems)
What i wanted to know was why my system was in good working order with
sp2 but not sp3.
But no could tell my why. I dont work on hard drives just throw them
away, most of the time they work really good or really bad, but this one
was intersting
I did my homework and now know....
Hard drive has bad sectors, sp3 tried to write to the bad sectors,
causing the files to be corrupted.
When sp3 tried to use these files it not only caused windows to crash
but the hard drive itself.
Now sp3 my not have been direcly causing the problem but sure as hell
was indirecly.
Im not just a parts changer i want to know the truth, dont just tell me
change parts and hope for the best.

Your original post said that the BIOS didn't recognise the drive at all, and
that you had to disconnect it and reconnect for it to be recognised.

At POST, the BIOS doesn't care about the condition of the drive's platters,
only its interface electronics. This is why the OS or OS version are not
relevant to this problem.

You can treat this as a science project and waste an unnecessary amount of
time on it, or you can recognise that there are hardware issues that can
only be fixed by way of replacement, and quickly take appropriate action.
You already know that you can't rely on the drive.

weekendworrior said:
Hey u littel piss ant

6'2, 235lbs ain't little
i never said it did
go clean your room
I know now you gust cant read

If you could spell properly, it would be easier.
I said sp3 was useing [sic] the bad sectors wich [sic] was what was causing the
Bennett Marco you [sic] a useless wast [sic] of space, shoot yourself in the head

Tsk, tsk.
You really are a weekend warrior. Do you have any idea how many PC's are
running with SP3?
Get rid of the garbage on your PC, find out what the problem is, and update
to SP3.