We would like to thank our members for their generous contribution to the Help Defeat Cancer project which is very near completion. In fact, sometime this week, we expect to see the steady outflow of work units on this project go down to a trickle as we finish the last remaining batches of work. Within about 3 weeks, all of the final results should be in and returned to the researchers and at that time no further work units will need to be sent for this project.
We will soon be sending a news email about the project's completion and will provide more information about future cancer related work on World Community Grid.
Some of you who have set your preferences to only contribute to this project will find that your agent may go into a paused state. If that is the case, we encourage you to change your settings to contribute to the other projects. At some point we may reset the preferences for users contributing only to the Help Defeat Cancer project back to the default of contributing to all projects, so that their agents do not become totally idle.
We will soon be hearing exciting information about the results and next steps from the researchers. Thank you again for your spare computer cycles which have made this project possible!