In addition to the suggestions you have received from others, here are a few
of my own (some of which might be repeats):
This list is just what comes to mind at the moment--it is not a complete list.
1.) Slow Performance When User Opens an Object with Name AutoCorrect Enabled
2.) ACC2000: Slower Performance on Linked Tables
Applies to Access 2002 and 2003 as well.
3.) Keep a persistant connection open
http://www.granite.ab.ca/access/performanceldblocking.htm and
4.) Compact the database often
This causes the queries to be recompiled, with a new optimization plan, the
first time they are run following a compact operation. Queries can become
very slow if they are based on an old optimization plan that is no longer
valid for the data at hand.
5.) Use indexes
You should establish indexes on any fields that are used for sorting or as
criteria in queries. Without indexes, the entire recordset is transferred
over the network prior to any filtering. Note: You do not need to index
foreign key fields, when these fields participate in a relationship created
in Tools > Relationships. In this case, Access automatically indexes the
foreign key fields, although these indexes will not show up in the indexes
window. See attached Word document.
6.) Avoid using Domain Aggregrate functions (DCount, DLookup, DMax, DMin,
These are known to be really slow.
7.) If you have a tab control that includes subforms, implementing the
Tab-on-demand technique can be very helpful. I have a Word document at home
that I can send to you that discusses this issue. It is based on a tip
published on the FMS web site:
http://www.fmsinc.com/free/tips.html#accesslatebind. Similar to this tip, do
not have bound combo or list boxes with thousands of records.
Other issues to be aware of include the path specified should not include
several folders that must be traversed. In addition to making this path as
short as possible, make sure that each folder name does not exceed 8
characters in length for the BE path. Also, make sure that your antivirus
software is not configured to scan network files. These tips, and others,
are discussed here:
Microsoft Access Performance FAQ
To avoid page locking, you may want to look into implementing the following
KB article:
PRB: Jet 4.0 Row-Level Locking Is Not Available with DAO 3.60
ACC2000: Optimizing for Client/Server Performance
Applies to Access 2002 and 2003 as well. This includes the following advice:
"NOTE: If you make changes to fields or indexes on the server, you must
relink the remote tables in Access."
Files on Network Shares Open Slowly or Read-Only or You Receive an Error
How to keep a Jet 4.0 database in top working condition
And, for good measure, if you have any laptop users who plug their laptops
into a docking station, you might want to be aware of an issue discussed
earlier, which I have reprinted below.
From: Scofield, Calvin D
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 10:48 AM
Hi Melinda,
I had a user in Long Beach that had the same situation. The user had a
laptop, when he plugged the laptop in without the docking station, it worked
fine, but when docked, it slowed to a crawl. It turned out to be the network
cards. The profile had to be changed because the network cards were working
against each other. They disabled the internal network card for the "IN
DOCK" profile. Once that was done, the connectivity was great.
Hope this helps!
Also, I would strongly encourage advising laptop users with wireless
connections to not open the database until they establish a hard-wired
network connection.
Dear ALL,
I have an access database with multi user environment for about 75 users.
Everything works fine except the speed. The screens take at least 5-9 sec to
open, I don't know why. Any help is highly appreciated.
This database resides on a network drive of a server. Every user has given a
shortcut in their desktop. It worked fine for the first couple of days, now
it got slower. So I decided to load the front end on the users machine to
make it run fast. I don't see much difference in opening the forms.
tables - 53
queries - 25
forms - 24 with LOC around 30K
reports - 20
modules - 3 small
I have a jpg displayed in every form with 50kb size. I use a Microsoft
character Peedy for errors and comments.
File sizes - frontend 103Mb, backend 20Mb.
Is there something I am doing wrong to make this work slow.
I am very tired of trying many ways. Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thank you.