HELP! Crosstab Query by Week

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dr. Know
  • Start date Start date

Dr. Know

I have worked at this for hours, and cannot understand why it doesn't
work properly.

A customer wants a summary of sales by customer, summarized weekly,
going back for 16 weeks, and beginning with the last FULL week. I
have an algorithm worked out for selecting the last full week dates,
but the SQL portion won't work. For this example, I have removed all
the date calculation stuff from the snippet of code, and have hard-
coded dates into the SQL statement.

Sounds easy, until you get to the part about the 53'd week on year
overlaps and the "mm" not sorting properly from 1 to 9.

I ended up with this, but the totals do not come out quite right.
If I manually add up ALL transactions for this hard coded time period
for a given customer, I get $121,968.31. But when running the query
below, I get 122,667.71. I cannot account for the discrepancy.

Most of the weekly totals come out right for most customers, but
several don't. What on earth am I doing wrong?

As an experiment, I pre-selected the date range with another
make-table select query, and then ran this (modified) query against
it, and it works. There is a problem with the SQL date screening
(WHERE) selections here... It is sporadically mixing properly
WHERE'd data with NON WHERE'd data as it performs the TRANSFORM.

Any Ideas?



TRANSFORM Sum(ECNHMaster.TotalAmount) AS [WeeklyTotal]
SELECT ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber, ECNCMaster.CustomerName,
Sum(ECNHMaster.TotalAmount) AS [Total Sales]
FROM ECNCMaster LEFT JOIN ECNHMaster ON ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber =
WHERE (((ECNHMaster.InvoiceDate) Between #10/26/2003# And #2/14/2004#)
AND ((ECNCMaster.Department)=""))
GROUP BY ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber, ECNCMaster.CustomerName
ORDER BY ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber
PIVOT "Week " & DateDiff("ww",[InvoiceDate],#02/14/2004#) In ("Week
1","Week 2","Week 3","Week 4","Week 5","Week 6","Week 7","Week
8","Week 9","Week 10","Week 11","Week 12","Week 13","Week 14","Week
15","Week 16");


Dr. Know
Try this:

PARAMETERS [Starting Date] DateTime, [Ending Date] DateTime;
TRANSFORM Sum(ECNHMaster.TotalAmount) AS SumOfTotalAmount
SELECT ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber, ECNCMaster.CustomerName
FROM ECNCMaster LEFT JOIN ECNHMaster ON ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber =
WHERE (((ECNHMaster.InvoiceDate) Between [Starting Date] And [Ending Date])
AND ((Len([Department]))=0))
GROUP BY ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber, ECNCMaster.CustomerName
PIVOT Format([InvoiceDate],"yyyy") & "-" &

Paul Overway
Logico Solutions, LLC

Dr. Know said:
I have worked at this for hours, and cannot understand why it doesn't
work properly.

A customer wants a summary of sales by customer, summarized weekly,
going back for 16 weeks, and beginning with the last FULL week. I
have an algorithm worked out for selecting the last full week dates,
but the SQL portion won't work. For this example, I have removed all
the date calculation stuff from the snippet of code, and have hard-
coded dates into the SQL statement.

Sounds easy, until you get to the part about the 53'd week on year
overlaps and the "mm" not sorting properly from 1 to 9.

I ended up with this, but the totals do not come out quite right.
If I manually add up ALL transactions for this hard coded time period
for a given customer, I get $121,968.31. But when running the query
below, I get 122,667.71. I cannot account for the discrepancy.

Most of the weekly totals come out right for most customers, but
several don't. What on earth am I doing wrong?

As an experiment, I pre-selected the date range with another
make-table select query, and then ran this (modified) query against
it, and it works. There is a problem with the SQL date screening
(WHERE) selections here... It is sporadically mixing properly
WHERE'd data with NON WHERE'd data as it performs the TRANSFORM.

Any Ideas?


-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

TRANSFORM Sum(ECNHMaster.TotalAmount) AS [WeeklyTotal]
SELECT ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber, ECNCMaster.CustomerName,
Sum(ECNHMaster.TotalAmount) AS [Total Sales]
FROM ECNCMaster LEFT JOIN ECNHMaster ON ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber =
WHERE (((ECNHMaster.InvoiceDate) Between #10/26/2003# And #2/14/2004#)
AND ((ECNCMaster.Department)=""))
GROUP BY ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber, ECNCMaster.CustomerName
ORDER BY ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber
PIVOT "Week " & DateDiff("ww",[InvoiceDate],#02/14/2004#) In ("Week
1","Week 2","Week 3","Week 4","Week 5","Week 6","Week 7","Week
8","Week 9","Week 10","Week 11","Week 12","Week 13","Week 14","Week
15","Week 16");

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

Dr. Know
Paul Overway said:

Thanks, Paul,

Well, I'm a moron. Right after I posted this plea for help, I
imported the table into Excel and summed the columns myself. Turns
out that the command I posted actually DOES work! The girl adding up
the columns manually for me was adding negative balances as
positive... :-)
(I like to confirm that these sorts of queries extract the proper

Actually, your post is what I started with, but it has a problem when
crossing certain year boundaries. This particular CMD shows a week 53
and a week 1 that should actually be combined as week 1 of the
following year...

All is well, however...

Thanks, again!

Try this:

PARAMETERS [Starting Date] DateTime, [Ending Date] DateTime;
TRANSFORM Sum(ECNHMaster.TotalAmount) AS SumOfTotalAmount
SELECT ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber, ECNCMaster.CustomerName
FROM ECNCMaster LEFT JOIN ECNHMaster ON ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber =
WHERE (((ECNHMaster.InvoiceDate) Between [Starting Date] And [Ending Date])
AND ((Len([Department]))=0))
GROUP BY ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber, ECNCMaster.CustomerName
PIVOT Format([InvoiceDate],"yyyy") & "-" &

Paul Overway
Logico Solutions, LLC

Dr. Know said:
I have worked at this for hours, and cannot understand why it doesn't
work properly.

A customer wants a summary of sales by customer, summarized weekly,
going back for 16 weeks, and beginning with the last FULL week. I
have an algorithm worked out for selecting the last full week dates,
but the SQL portion won't work. For this example, I have removed all
the date calculation stuff from the snippet of code, and have hard-
coded dates into the SQL statement.

Sounds easy, until you get to the part about the 53'd week on year
overlaps and the "mm" not sorting properly from 1 to 9.

I ended up with this, but the totals do not come out quite right.
If I manually add up ALL transactions for this hard coded time period
for a given customer, I get $121,968.31. But when running the query
below, I get 122,667.71. I cannot account for the discrepancy.

Most of the weekly totals come out right for most customers, but
several don't. What on earth am I doing wrong?

As an experiment, I pre-selected the date range with another
make-table select query, and then ran this (modified) query against
it, and it works. There is a problem with the SQL date screening
(WHERE) selections here... It is sporadically mixing properly
WHERE'd data with NON WHERE'd data as it performs the TRANSFORM.

Any Ideas?



TRANSFORM Sum(ECNHMaster.TotalAmount) AS [WeeklyTotal]
SELECT ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber, ECNCMaster.CustomerName,
Sum(ECNHMaster.TotalAmount) AS [Total Sales]
FROM ECNCMaster LEFT JOIN ECNHMaster ON ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber =
WHERE (((ECNHMaster.InvoiceDate) Between #10/26/2003# And #2/14/2004#)
AND ((ECNCMaster.Department)=""))
GROUP BY ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber, ECNCMaster.CustomerName
ORDER BY ECNCMaster.CustomerNumber
PIVOT "Week " & DateDiff("ww",[InvoiceDate],#02/14/2004#) In ("Week
1","Week 2","Week 3","Week 4","Week 5","Week 6","Week 7","Week
8","Week 9","Week 10","Week 11","Week 12","Week 13","Week 14","Week
15","Week 16");

Dr. Know