OK, first, I am not extensively experienced with Access, so if this i
a dumb question, I apologize. I am using Access 2002. Here is m
situation, perhaps someone can help
I have about 100 towns for which I have mortgage lending data. Thes
data are in one table; each record is a town. The data are broken ou
by year of loan and income level of borrower. For example, one fiel
would be total loans to low income borrowers in 1999 for each town
the next would be total loans to middle-income borrowers in 1999 fo
each town; the next, total loans to upper-income borrowers in 199
for each town. These columns are repeated for each year, 1999-2004.
am creating separate reports for each town. These reports will have
lot of other information, but I want to embed in each report a lin
graph that shows changes in lending volume over time by income-leve
of borrower. So one series (line) would represent change in volume o
low-income loans 1999 to 2004. The other lines on the graph would b
the same, but for middle and upper income loans
I have tried using the chart wizard, but it will only let me use si
fields (I have many more than six). On top of that, I find the char
design options in the Wizard absolutely incomprehensible. I ca
design this graph easily in Excel, but for some reason its design i
Access eludes me. It seems like it should be easy enough, so perhap
I'm just missing something
Any help would be appreciated
a dumb question, I apologize. I am using Access 2002. Here is m
situation, perhaps someone can help
I have about 100 towns for which I have mortgage lending data. Thes
data are in one table; each record is a town. The data are broken ou
by year of loan and income level of borrower. For example, one fiel
would be total loans to low income borrowers in 1999 for each town
the next would be total loans to middle-income borrowers in 1999 fo
each town; the next, total loans to upper-income borrowers in 199
for each town. These columns are repeated for each year, 1999-2004.
am creating separate reports for each town. These reports will have
lot of other information, but I want to embed in each report a lin
graph that shows changes in lending volume over time by income-leve
of borrower. So one series (line) would represent change in volume o
low-income loans 1999 to 2004. The other lines on the graph would b
the same, but for middle and upper income loans
I have tried using the chart wizard, but it will only let me use si
fields (I have many more than six). On top of that, I find the char
design options in the Wizard absolutely incomprehensible. I ca
design this graph easily in Excel, but for some reason its design i
Access eludes me. It seems like it should be easy enough, so perhap
I'm just missing something
Any help would be appreciated