Help creating a database

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chuck
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I am looking to make a database to help me manage 20 managers that report to
me. I want something where I can click on a location and it will allow me to
type notes about my location visits with them. I woudl also like the ability
to print the data by location. I have only even run access ONE time, but was
told this was the way to go. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

(I posted this in another spot that was incorrect, sorry for the duplication!)
Before anyone can help you, you'll need to get a lot more specific regarding
your requirements. When I sit down in a requirements meeting with a
department's staff, we hash out the mission as well as the data we're going
to collect, and we do so in detail.
Steve said:

Let me repeat my offer to help you. I can work with you to develop the
Access application you want. My fee would be very modest. Contacy me at
(e-mail address removed) if you want my help. Please ignore the malicious personal
attacks against me.


Let me repeat my condemnation: These newsgroups are provided by Microsoft
for FREE peer to peer support. Steve is a known troll and his help is
overpriced (even went it is free). If he was any good, his "satisified"
customers would be swamping him with work.

So you are no longer "reasonable" but pretending to be "modest"?

You also need to get a better dictionary. There were no malicious personal
attacks, just pure statement of fact. There is no malice, we do not wish you
harm, we just want you to stop annoying the users.

John... VIsio MVP
Access is a powerful platform upon whcih you can build solutions for most
database applications. First you have to decide if you want to learn Access.

- if so, to start doing so. Once you get a little start, you could repost
and get and be able to utilize help on a table structure (the foundation) for
your application.

- if not, you might try a canned application/software. The most applicable
ones to your application might be a contact management / CRM software.
Common economical ones are ACT! and Goldmine. Or pay someone to develop it
on Access for you. Theres a little bit on this at


The classic definition of insanity is to endlessly repeat the same
stimulus and continually expect a different result. It is also the
flag that laypeople use to recognize that something is wrong with the
person in question and recommend that they seek professional help.

There is no question that you know that your methods regarding these
Access newsgroups are dishonorable and in sharp contradiction to the
policies of the newsgroups. One such indicator was your posting
questions using various pseudonyms, usually female, to elicit
responses that you would then take offline in order to market.
Otherwise why the subterfuge? Also, why the stupidity and
deliberately putting others to the bother of responding to your posts?
You could easily have googled and found the answers to just about
every trivial issue you ever posted that way.

Your phony posts and continual hustling for paid work caused many of
us to stuff your various monikers into killfiles. Others, perhaps
being more responsible, have persisted in calling attention to your
trolling in order to protect novices. Their doing so means that your
transgressions are visible to all of us anyway ....

Recently you have been behaving at a higher, more responsible level.
I was proud of you! I credit the members of these groups with calling
your behavior to your attention and with frustrating your attempts to
prey on the uninitiated. But the change in behavior I credited to you
alone. You have demonstrated that you understand every bit of the
rationale involved and that you can honor it when you choose. You
have done it before and can do it again if you but will.

I also noticed that your responsible behavior was treated with
fairness and respect. If there was any retribution I missed it.

We develop behavior patterns into habits and some of them can have the
power over of us similar to physical addictions. The most successful
mechanism for dealing with addictions is a 12 Step program. Those
programs all begin with a strategy for succeeding ,just today, in
foregoing the undesirable behavior.

There is no way for any of us here to accurately attribute the change
in your behavior to any particular thing. I am grateful that it
happened and hope that you can rise to that level again and continue
on as a responsible contributor - here or elsewhere.

That sure doesn't mean that you have to give up soliciting business.
Marketing your wares and making a living are legitimate endeavors.
There are any number of ways you can go about it: from hustling your
wares from a web site to marketing in venues provided for that
purpose. I suggest just a few:


All of the above venues encourage the creation of profiles and provide
for the rating of results by both buyers and sellers. The pursuit of
buyers' projects by sellers is actively encouraged and tools are
available to assist the sellers.

In those venues you are prohibited from providing free services
because the providers of the venues get a piece of each completed
transaction. Their share of *free* isn't very much.

For your sake and for the sake of us all I hope that you are able to
behave to your higher standard; you'll feel better and live longer if
you do.

I truly wish you well.

p.s. your current moniker is already in a killfile and blocked from
email as well so if you wish to reply to me please use one you haven't
used before. If you reply to the newsgroup I will only see it if
someone else replies to you.


I'm sorry for the long Off Topic post. It didn't further your issue;
Fred gave you some good insights.


I followed the 2nd link to get to your post.

To the best of my knowledge there is no "sugar teat" that will allow
people to have unambiguous and reliable information about Access
developers or software developers of any other kind nor for any kind
of vendor on Earth. "Caveat Emptor!" (Let the buyer beware) has
always been the first step toward enlightened commerce. There is no
way to relieve anyone from the burden of due diligence. They can do
their best to perform every step of authentication and verification
themselves or pay others to do so or rely on rating agencies. "Caveat
emptor" still applies; who watches the watchers?

In my long post in this thread to Steve I referred him to Elance,
RentACoder and GetAFreelancer. The first two provide means for buyers
and sellers to report on their experiences in a transaction and
RentACoder will also include information about anything that came to
arbitration and the specifics of the outcome.

Beyond that it may be possible to purchase insurance based on cost and
outcome. It has been said that someone at Lloyds of London will
insure anything but that doesn't mean that you'll like the costs of
doing business with them. I'd imagine that the transaction costs and
overheads for them to perform *their* due diligence would forestall
insurance on projects with a cost below several hundred thousand
dollars. They would likely also become a noisy 3rd party and impose
performance constraints on the other two parties.

A universal database of all transactions everywhere is presently
beyond the realm of practical realization. Thanks be for that!
Otherwise, Big Brother (big government and big business) would be all
over it.


Fred said:
Access is a powerful platform upon whcih you can build solutions for most
database applications. First you have to decide if you want to learn Access.

- if so, to start doing so. Once you get a little start, you could repost
and get and be able to utilize help on a table structure (the foundation) for
your application.

- if not, you might try a canned application/software. The most applicable
ones to your application might be a contact management / CRM software.
Common economical ones are ACT! and Goldmine. Or pay someone to develop it
on Access for you. Theres a little bit on this at