!!!Help!!! Counting Records in a Column

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How can I count different records in a column
If I have a column with the number of students accepted and number of students declined, how do I count "seperately" number accepted and number declined?
Accessed Out said:
How can I count different records in a column?
If I have a column with the number of students accepted and number of
students declined, how do I count "seperately" number accepted and number
declined?I hope what you mean is that you have a table that has separate fields
defined for #accepted and #declined?
If that's true, you then want to sum the contents of each of those columns?
Check in Access help for "Calculate the sum of the values in a field " for
examples of ways to get aggregate output.
If I have misinterpreted your statements, please clarify.
If you mean that you have a column named,
e.g., "AcceptanceStatus" that takes differing values, such
as "A" and "D", then create a totals query (View, Totals
from query design view), select the key field and the the
AcceptanceStatus fields, and change their Total: row to:

KeyField: Count
AcceptanceStatus: GroupBy

Kevin Sprinkel
-----Original Message-----
How can I count different records in a column?
If I have a column with the number of students accepted
and number of students declined, how do I
count "seperately" number accepted and number declined?