I'm hoping someone can help me out. I'm a newbie to vb.net still.
I'm trying to convert the code below from VB6 to VB.NET. I'm not sure
of the best way to go. This is basically a simple application to do
scoring for a competition. I'm using an Access database and all of
this code happens "behind the scenes" when all of the scores have been
entered on another screen (that piece is done). If someone could help
me, I'd really be grateful... I'm not necessarily looking for someone
to re-write it all for me (but I wouldn't complain either - ha ha) -
but if I could get some ideas, it sure would be great...
Private Sub cmdAllDone_Click()
rsCompetition.FindFirst "[CompNum] = " & "'" & txtCompNum2 & "'"
If rsCompetition.NoMatch = True Then
MsgBox "Sorry, try again"
txtCompNum2.SelStart = 0
txtCompNum2.SelLength = Len(txtCompNum2)
End If
Call ComputePoints("TotalScoreA")
Call RankJudge("TotalScoreA", "RankA", "IrishPointsA")
Call ComputePoints("TotalScoreB")
Call RankJudge("TotalScoreB", "RankB", "IrishPointsB")
Call ComputePoints("TotalScoreC")
Call RankJudge("TotalScoreC", "RankC", "IrishPointsC")
End Sub
Private Sub ComputePoints(strt1 As String)
Dim strt3 As String
strt3 = "SELECT * " _
& "FROM Results WHERE " _
& "CompNum = " & "'" & txtCompNum2 _
& "' AND ScoreA1 > 0 " _
& "ORDER BY " & strt1 & " DESC"
Set rsSort = dbs.OpenRecordset(strt3)
End Sub
Private Sub RankJudge(strt1 As String, strt2 As String, strt3 As
Dim tempScore As Single
Dim myTempScore As Single
Dim kounter As Integer
Dim tempPoints As Integer 'points from rsIrishPoints
Dim xxxRank As Integer
Dim tempRank As Integer 'Ranking by judge - includes possibility
for tie
Dim varBookmark As Variant
Dim varBookmarkB As Variant
Dim tieKntr As Integer
tempScore = 0
kounter = 0
tempRank = 0
With rsSort
Do Until .EOF
kounter = kounter + 1
tempScore = rsSort.Fields(strt1).Value
If (rsSort.Fields(strt1).Value > 0) Then
Call CheckForTies(tempScore, rsSort!Cardnum, tempRank,
strt1, strt2, strt3, myTempScore, tieKntr)
rsSort.Fields(strt2).Value = 0
rsSort.Fields(strt3).Value = 0
End If
rsCompetition!numofCompetitors = .RecordCount
End With
End Sub
Private Sub CheckForTies(tempScore As Single, tempCardNum As Integer,
tempRank As Integer, strt1 As String, strt2 As String, strt3 As
String, myTempScore As Single, tieKntr As Integer)
Dim cond2 As String
Dim kounter As Integer
Dim strT7 As String
Dim numTie As Integer
Dim actualRank As Integer 'ranking - if tie, skip
Dim myTempRank As Integer
strT7 = "SELECT * FROM Results WHERE " _
& "CompNum = " & "'" & txtCompNum2.Text & "'" _
& " AND " & strt1 & " = " & tempScore _
& " AND " & strt1 & " > 0 AND CardNum <> " _
& tempCardNum _
& " ORDER BY CardNum DESC"
Set rsSort2 = dbs.OpenRecordset(strT7)
tempRank = tempRank + 1
numTie = rsSort2.RecordCount + 1
With rsSort2
End If
End With
If tempScore <> myTempScore Then
tieKntr = 1
ElseIf tempScore = myTempScore And numTie > 1 Then
tieKntr = tieKntr + 1
End If
rsSort.Fields(strt3).Value = 0
myTempRank = tempRank
'MsgBox diffTempRank
kounter = 0
Do Until kounter >= numTie
kounter = kounter + 1
rsIrishPoints.FindFirst "[Rank] = " & myTempRank 'Kounter
rsSort.Fields(strt3).Value = rsSort.Fields(strt3).Value _
+ (rsIrishPoints!Score / numTie)
myTempRank = myTempRank + 1
myTempScore = tempScore
rsSort.Fields(strt2).Value = tempRank 'Kounter
If tieKntr > 1 And tieKntr = numTie And tempScore = myTempScore
' we had a tie and we're on the last record of the tie
tempRank = tempRank + numTie ' - 1
End If
If tieKntr >= 1 And numTie > 1 Then
tempRank = tempRank - 1
End If
If rsCompetition!Prelim = True Or _
rsCompetition!Open = True Then
rsSort!TotalScore = rsSort!IrishPointsA _
+ rsSort!IrishPointsB _
+ rsSort!IrishPointsC
rsSort!TotalScore = rsSort!TotalScoreA
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ComputePlaces()
Dim strt3 As String
Dim tempScore As Single
Dim kounter As Integer
Dim tempRank As Integer
strt3 = "SELECT * " _
& "FROM Results WHERE " _
& "CompNum = " & "'" & txtCompNum2 _
& "' AND ScoreA1 > 0 " _
& "ORDER BY TotalScore Desc"
Set rsSort = dbs.OpenRecordset(strt3)
tempScore = 0
kounter = 0
tempRank = 0
With rsSort
rsCompetition!HighestScore = rsSort!TotalScore
Do Until .EOF
kounter = kounter + 1
If tempScore = rsSort!TotalScore Then
'numTie = numTie + 1
tempRank = tempRank - 1
'no tie
'numTie = 0
End If
tempRank = tempRank + 1
tempScore = rsSort!TotalScore
rsSort!NetRank = 0
Select Case tempRank
Case 1 To 4
rsSort!NetRank = tempRank
Case 5
If rsCompetition!numofCompetitors >= 11 Or
rsCompetition!Prelim = True Or rsCompetition!Open = True Then
rsSort!NetRank = tempRank
ElseIf rsCompetition!CompDesc = "Reel" Then
rsSort!NetRank = 99
End If
Case 6
If rsCompetition!numofCompetitors >= 21 Or
rsCompetition!Prelim = True Or rsCompetition!Open = True Then
rsSort!NetRank = tempRank
ElseIf rsCompetition!CompDesc = "Reel" Then
rsSort!NetRank = 99
End If
Case 7
If rsCompetition!numofCompetitors >= 25 Or
rsCompetition!Prelim = True Or rsCompetition!Open = True Then
rsSort!NetRank = tempRank
ElseIf rsCompetition!CompDesc = "Reel" Then
rsSort!NetRank = 99
End If
Case Else
If rsCompetition!CompDesc = "Reel" Then
rsSort!NetRank = 99
ElseIf rsCompetition!Prelim = True Or
rsCompetition!Open = True Then
rsSort!NetRank = tempRank
rsSort!NetRank = 0
End If
End Select
rsSort!GrossRank = tempRank
End With
End Sub
I'm trying to convert the code below from VB6 to VB.NET. I'm not sure
of the best way to go. This is basically a simple application to do
scoring for a competition. I'm using an Access database and all of
this code happens "behind the scenes" when all of the scores have been
entered on another screen (that piece is done). If someone could help
me, I'd really be grateful... I'm not necessarily looking for someone
to re-write it all for me (but I wouldn't complain either - ha ha) -
but if I could get some ideas, it sure would be great...
Private Sub cmdAllDone_Click()
rsCompetition.FindFirst "[CompNum] = " & "'" & txtCompNum2 & "'"
If rsCompetition.NoMatch = True Then
MsgBox "Sorry, try again"
txtCompNum2.SelStart = 0
txtCompNum2.SelLength = Len(txtCompNum2)
End If
Call ComputePoints("TotalScoreA")
Call RankJudge("TotalScoreA", "RankA", "IrishPointsA")
Call ComputePoints("TotalScoreB")
Call RankJudge("TotalScoreB", "RankB", "IrishPointsB")
Call ComputePoints("TotalScoreC")
Call RankJudge("TotalScoreC", "RankC", "IrishPointsC")
End Sub
Private Sub ComputePoints(strt1 As String)
Dim strt3 As String
strt3 = "SELECT * " _
& "FROM Results WHERE " _
& "CompNum = " & "'" & txtCompNum2 _
& "' AND ScoreA1 > 0 " _
& "ORDER BY " & strt1 & " DESC"
Set rsSort = dbs.OpenRecordset(strt3)
End Sub
Private Sub RankJudge(strt1 As String, strt2 As String, strt3 As
Dim tempScore As Single
Dim myTempScore As Single
Dim kounter As Integer
Dim tempPoints As Integer 'points from rsIrishPoints
Dim xxxRank As Integer
Dim tempRank As Integer 'Ranking by judge - includes possibility
for tie
Dim varBookmark As Variant
Dim varBookmarkB As Variant
Dim tieKntr As Integer
tempScore = 0
kounter = 0
tempRank = 0
With rsSort
Do Until .EOF
kounter = kounter + 1
tempScore = rsSort.Fields(strt1).Value
If (rsSort.Fields(strt1).Value > 0) Then
Call CheckForTies(tempScore, rsSort!Cardnum, tempRank,
strt1, strt2, strt3, myTempScore, tieKntr)
rsSort.Fields(strt2).Value = 0
rsSort.Fields(strt3).Value = 0
End If
rsCompetition!numofCompetitors = .RecordCount
End With
End Sub
Private Sub CheckForTies(tempScore As Single, tempCardNum As Integer,
tempRank As Integer, strt1 As String, strt2 As String, strt3 As
String, myTempScore As Single, tieKntr As Integer)
Dim cond2 As String
Dim kounter As Integer
Dim strT7 As String
Dim numTie As Integer
Dim actualRank As Integer 'ranking - if tie, skip
Dim myTempRank As Integer
strT7 = "SELECT * FROM Results WHERE " _
& "CompNum = " & "'" & txtCompNum2.Text & "'" _
& " AND " & strt1 & " = " & tempScore _
& " AND " & strt1 & " > 0 AND CardNum <> " _
& tempCardNum _
& " ORDER BY CardNum DESC"
Set rsSort2 = dbs.OpenRecordset(strT7)
tempRank = tempRank + 1
numTie = rsSort2.RecordCount + 1
With rsSort2
End If
End With
If tempScore <> myTempScore Then
tieKntr = 1
ElseIf tempScore = myTempScore And numTie > 1 Then
tieKntr = tieKntr + 1
End If
rsSort.Fields(strt3).Value = 0
myTempRank = tempRank
'MsgBox diffTempRank
kounter = 0
Do Until kounter >= numTie
kounter = kounter + 1
rsIrishPoints.FindFirst "[Rank] = " & myTempRank 'Kounter
rsSort.Fields(strt3).Value = rsSort.Fields(strt3).Value _
+ (rsIrishPoints!Score / numTie)
myTempRank = myTempRank + 1
myTempScore = tempScore
rsSort.Fields(strt2).Value = tempRank 'Kounter
If tieKntr > 1 And tieKntr = numTie And tempScore = myTempScore
' we had a tie and we're on the last record of the tie
tempRank = tempRank + numTie ' - 1
End If
If tieKntr >= 1 And numTie > 1 Then
tempRank = tempRank - 1
End If
If rsCompetition!Prelim = True Or _
rsCompetition!Open = True Then
rsSort!TotalScore = rsSort!IrishPointsA _
+ rsSort!IrishPointsB _
+ rsSort!IrishPointsC
rsSort!TotalScore = rsSort!TotalScoreA
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ComputePlaces()
Dim strt3 As String
Dim tempScore As Single
Dim kounter As Integer
Dim tempRank As Integer
strt3 = "SELECT * " _
& "FROM Results WHERE " _
& "CompNum = " & "'" & txtCompNum2 _
& "' AND ScoreA1 > 0 " _
& "ORDER BY TotalScore Desc"
Set rsSort = dbs.OpenRecordset(strt3)
tempScore = 0
kounter = 0
tempRank = 0
With rsSort
rsCompetition!HighestScore = rsSort!TotalScore
Do Until .EOF
kounter = kounter + 1
If tempScore = rsSort!TotalScore Then
'numTie = numTie + 1
tempRank = tempRank - 1
'no tie
'numTie = 0
End If
tempRank = tempRank + 1
tempScore = rsSort!TotalScore
rsSort!NetRank = 0
Select Case tempRank
Case 1 To 4
rsSort!NetRank = tempRank
Case 5
If rsCompetition!numofCompetitors >= 11 Or
rsCompetition!Prelim = True Or rsCompetition!Open = True Then
rsSort!NetRank = tempRank
ElseIf rsCompetition!CompDesc = "Reel" Then
rsSort!NetRank = 99
End If
Case 6
If rsCompetition!numofCompetitors >= 21 Or
rsCompetition!Prelim = True Or rsCompetition!Open = True Then
rsSort!NetRank = tempRank
ElseIf rsCompetition!CompDesc = "Reel" Then
rsSort!NetRank = 99
End If
Case 7
If rsCompetition!numofCompetitors >= 25 Or
rsCompetition!Prelim = True Or rsCompetition!Open = True Then
rsSort!NetRank = tempRank
ElseIf rsCompetition!CompDesc = "Reel" Then
rsSort!NetRank = 99
End If
Case Else
If rsCompetition!CompDesc = "Reel" Then
rsSort!NetRank = 99
ElseIf rsCompetition!Prelim = True Or
rsCompetition!Open = True Then
rsSort!NetRank = tempRank
rsSort!NetRank = 0
End If
End Select
rsSort!GrossRank = tempRank
End With
End Sub