Help converting C# Regular Expression to VB.Net??



Hi All.

I'm using some C# code which I translated to to remove
sourcesafe information from project and solution files. It uses regular
expressions, and the attempt I made at translating the c~ expression
doesn't produce the required results.....

Could some have a look at this and point out where I've gone wrong?

C# Code:
Regex r = new Regex("\\\"Scc\\w*\\\"\\s*=\\s*\\\".*\\\"");

and my stab at VB.Net Code:
Dim objRegEx As New Regex("\\""Scc\w*\\""\s*=\s*\\"".*\\""")

and a second expression:

C# Code:
Regex r = new Regex("Scc\\w*\\s*=\\s*\\\".*\\\"");

and my stab at VB.Net Code:
Dim objRegEx As New Regex("Scc\w*\s*=\s*\\"".*\\""")



Joshua Flanagan

Its a little tricky not knowing your original intended expression, but
I'll take a stab.

My guess at the VB.NET for the first one would be:
New Regex("\""Scc\w*\""\s*=\s*\"".*\""")

and the second:
New Regex("Scc\w*\s*=\s*\"".*\""")

Note, C# uses \" to represent " while VB.NET uses ""
And C# uses \\ to represent \ while VB.NET does not need to escape a \

If you don't want to escape \ in C#, you can add a @ before the string.
For example:
can be re-written as

Hope that helps.

Joshua Flanagan

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