Help completely to uninstall office on windows xp pro



I need help with this one... I have a wireless email device called a
sidekick AKA (hiptop). I use a synch software that comes from tmobile called
intellisync. I recently installed the beta of office and my intellisynch
did not work. I was getting an error message that said... Unable to read
application data.

So I decided to uninstall office beta. Still the problem was not resolved.
Then I uninstalle office 2003. Still same problem. I then uninstalled
inellisync and still. the same problem.

i reinstalled all of them and got the same results

The way I uninstalled these programs is to go to add / remove programs.
and did the normal remove.

I can to a system restore to an earlier date because there were no earlier
dates that existed.

So my only thought is that even though I am unistaling office it is not
completely uninstalling office. My question is, is there a way to COMPLETELY
unistall these programs like they were never there?


You can try a System Restore point that was created before you installed the
Office Beta. Also find all folders created by Office Beta (creation date of
folder should match the day you installed the beta) and delete the folders
and any remaining files.


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