help cant use keyboard or mouse in safe mode?

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I got the stupid ps guard, I got all the tools to remove it and then booted
into safe mode. While in safe mode (after selecting F8, safe mode selecting
the installation and then hitting enter) when I hit ctrl,alt,delete nothing
no mouse cant even hit wrong keys keyboard not working?

any ideas?
Hi Meonnoite

Go to another PC and burn Ewido and Smitrem.
Also include the latest Ewido defs within this CD.

Try to get CTRL-ALT-DEL working in normal mode beacuse you need to
install Ewido. Be patient !

Choose "Archive new activity run" from TASK MANAGER, point to the CD
with Ewido and start install, Ewido will then start and removes PS
Guard (Smitfraud) processes. After a while stop Ewido and update defs
the CD file. Start Ewido again and scan.

Then follow above URL with Smitrem.

And this one is tough ! Done it myself.


Mennonite village explained :
thanks for the response,
In normal mode everything seems to be fine, Ive installed ewido and ran it
in normal mode but I still have some remnants ( ie browser hijack, ect) so
went to safe mode to run ewido and smitrem but keyboard and mouse don't work?

I just don't know what to make of this.

Do you have backups for your drive ie personal files ?

You can run Smitrem from normal mode, all programs closed.
It´s a lot of registry changes when smitrem cleans so maybe something

MSAS is normal mode ? Lavasoft Adaware ?

also CCleaner is important for junk removal,

And PS Guard is a real pest ;(
Nice technique plun, but you lost me at "Archive new activity run" from TASK
MANAGER, please explain when you have time. You must be talking about new
task (run) in task manager, but I tried getting there and nothing happened.
I need some more coffee :)

Well, You are right, in my swedish version it is "new activity (run)"
Of course it is "New task (run)" !

With PS Guard (the one a cleaned)and belonging Smitfraud processes the
whole screen flashes, never seen something like that. High CPU and
Start menu is disabled and the wallpaper is changed to "Your PC is in
danger- Click here"

Impossible to run anything, and it also locked up in safe mode.

F-Secure was also disabled from this pest.

So I burned my CD and started again, tried to stop processes but they
recreates, and at last with Task manager and New Task (run) it was
possible to start Ewido and Ewido is a smart program directly catching
all malicious processes ;) And after that it´s time for normal
procedures for cleaning.

About Smitrem (Creator):
Are you using USB mouse/keyboard?
That might be your problem.
Try BIOS settings to enable USB or switch to ps2 mouse/keyboard, if this is
your problem.
Its a laptop no ps2 port but even built in keyboard and touch pad dont work,
and that brings up another issue HEY Any One From Microsoft, what about those
computers coming out with nothing but usb no ps2 or keyboard port? what do
you do if usb is disabled by virus? just wondering. but back to the problem.
I've used all the tools in normal mode but still have some minor remnents,
but what if something is still hidden that is why I want to go into safe mode
to rub=n all the tools but NO keyboard or mouse so I cant log in.

I can hit f8, I can sellect safe mode by using up key I can select I can hit
enter when it displays the os path but as soon as the splash screen hit
ctrl+alt+delete the keyboard doesn't work. this has to be related to the
spyware as this has never been a problem before.
I think it's still worth a try to change the BIOS USB settings. Normally
they give a choice of 'native USB support' or similar.
Try changing this setting and see.

Contact MS and they must help you for free with this.
This is for sure security related after PS Guard and probably
several trojans.

No-Charge Support
This phone number is for virus and other security-related support. It
is available 24 hours a day for the U.S. and Canada.

For phone numbers outside of the U.S. and Canada, select your region.


Mennonite village expressed precisely :