Help! Cannot delete email - keeps coming back

  • Thread starter Thread starter goner
  • Start date Start date


I have received 2 different emails. One keeps showing up every hour
over & over again in Junk e-mail folder.
Another email is doing the same in my Norton Anti-Spam folder.
The message has been deleted from the mail server but problem will not
go away.
I have to delete 100's every day of these
What can I do??
How do you know that its the *same mail msg* and not a new msg that is the
Perhaps the email addy you used in this post is your real email, and as such
will have been harvested for spam
This is happening to me too. I know it's the same message because it keeps
coming back with the same date and time. The messages come back as new unread
messages on the same date at the same time. I have had up to 15 repetitions
of this message and would love to know how to stop this. I delete them, empty
my deleted folder, exit outlook and they still come back.... help please.