Bill Brophy
We've developed a procedure to call a custom .dll module
from within Access (via VBA)to carry out specific
calculations. Unfortunately, we find that this procedure
does not work on all workstations. On those failing
workstations, when the module is called we get a "Run
time error (53) - dll can not be found" error message.
Access help says to make sure the dll is correctly called
and named correctly; but they already are as the database
and associated dll already work on other workstations.
We've located multiple copies of the dll in all the
logical locations; i.e., C:\, \windows, \system32, where
msaccess.exe is located, where the database is located,
and still no success.
Has anyone experienced this before and more importantly
know of a work around?
from within Access (via VBA)to carry out specific
calculations. Unfortunately, we find that this procedure
does not work on all workstations. On those failing
workstations, when the module is called we get a "Run
time error (53) - dll can not be found" error message.
Access help says to make sure the dll is correctly called
and named correctly; but they already are as the database
and associated dll already work on other workstations.
We've located multiple copies of the dll in all the
logical locations; i.e., C:\, \windows, \system32, where
msaccess.exe is located, where the database is located,
and still no success.
Has anyone experienced this before and more importantly
know of a work around?