Help! Bullen's Scroll/Zoom chart

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ray
  • Start date Start date


Hello -

I was lucky enough to run across Stephen Bullen's Scroll/Zoom a chart
(found here: -- it's almost
exactly what I need. However, I'm hoping that someone can help me
modify this chart to really get me where I want to be ...

The charting technique that Stephen has allows users to Zoom/Scroll
through a lengthy set of data -- the data is setup so that one column
contains labels and one contains data, using OFFSET formulas to
control the Zoom/Sroll feature. What I want to do is have SEVERAL
columns make up my horizontal axis labels!

For instance, instead of just having '7/21/2008' as the label, I'd
like to also have 'Monday' beneath it, and 'July' beneath that
(spanning 31 entries).

I've seen the multiline axis labels in John Walkenbach's Excel Charts
book (p122-123), but haven't had any luck merging the two charting
techniques ...

Can anyone help me out?

Hi Dave -

Your solution techincally would 'work', but wouldn't give the desired
outcome ... if I change the number format, EVERY 'category' on the
axis would have every piece of 'data' (Day/Month/Year), which would
make the axis almost impossible to read!

I'll try to illustrate here, using a normal spreadsheet layout (I need
to translate this to the X-axis of a graph):

A1 B1 C1
2/21 2/22 2/23
Mon Tues Wed

[don't need the ---- , just to show that July would span the days)

Any one have any ideas how to make this work in a graph?

Thanks, ray