Help . . . automatically tab between fields on form?



Hi! I'm putting together a data entry form. One of the entries will
be a telephone number field. I've been directed to implement this by
using three separate fields -- the first being for area code, the
second for exchange, and the last for the last 4 digits of the phone

When users enter 3 digits in the area code field, instead of hitting
the tab key to move to the exchange field, I want this to happen
automatically upon entry of the last digit. And after the 3 digit
exchange is entered, they should automatically tab to the last field.

In Frontpage I can set the field lengths to be what I need (3,3, and
4), and I can set tab order, but I can't find any way of setting an
autotab function.

Can someone help with this? If script is required, can you tell me
where to fin an example? I'm new to this, have little experience with
script, and am being rushed to finish.

Thanks in advance,


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