So I was running it fine at 1280 with my FSB at 100MHz I set it to
166MHz as it should be set then whamo! it posts recognizes hard drives
and cdroms and promptly freezes on black. No windows loading screen for
me! So maybe me thinks its a hard ware issue. i duo. I'm willing to
answer any questions about the system.
Any links or sites I should look at would be helpful and greatly
Please help,
--Slow processor man...
166MHz as it should be set then whamo! it posts recognizes hard drives
and cdroms and promptly freezes on black. No windows loading screen for
me! So maybe me thinks its a hard ware issue. i duo. I'm willing to
answer any questions about the system.
Any links or sites I should look at would be helpful and greatly
Please help,
--Slow processor man...