Help! At Wit's End with XP Home Installation

  • Thread starter Thread starter Phil Stefanini
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Phil Stefanini

I have a three year old machine with Windows ME installed. This was not a
good operation system so.... I upgraded to XP a year ago. All well until
I had a crash some weeks ago.

However, XP wouldn't re-install on a clean boot. The initial files wouldn't
come over and the message indicated either the CD Drive or the CD was
faulty. It would start to copy and generally four files, different each
time, wouldn't copy and indicated continuing could create problems.

At first, and after cleaning the CD, I hesitated to believe it was the CD
and went out and bought a new CD Drive.... Same problem.

I called Microsoft and got a new Windows XP disk..... Same problem.

The Windows error messages led me to believe the hard drive might be the
problem so I went out today and bought a new hard drive and.....Same

I checked all of the wires (third time) and replaced the controller ribbon
with the new one that came with the hard drive.... Same thing.

Can anybody give me a clue as to what the possible problem is. There isn't
much to replace! Any assistance is greatly appreciated. I am close to
wit's end! Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Phil Stefanini
Thanks for the response but now I'm confused. Do you mean a virus attached
somehow or is residing on my new
hard drive? I haven't connected anything to the computer except the power
cord and won't attach dsl or hardware until I get the XP operating system

How could this be and how can I clean it, or fix it? Phil
Phil Stefanini said:
I have a three year old machine with Windows
ME installed. This was not a good operation
system so.... I upgraded to XP a year ago.
All well until I had a crash some weeks ago.

However, XP wouldn't re-install on a clean boot.
The initial files wouldn't come over and the
message indicated either the CD Drive or the
CD was faulty. It would start to copy and
generally four files, different each time, wouldn't
copy and indicated continuing could create

At first, and after cleaning the CD, I hesitated to
believe it was the CD and went out and bought
a new CD Drive.... Same problem.

I called Microsoft and got a new Windows XP
disk..... Same problem.

Wow, tough to figure out without a lot of trial and error. In the end, I
think you're going to need professional help (or at least someone
knowledgeable who can spend the time with it). Replacing everything like
you're doing is obviously not the way to go. Besides the fact that it hasn't
worked, getting professional help may actually be cheaper.

From what little you've said, it looks like it might be a problem with the
hardware drivers. Do you have Windows ME installed now? If not, try
restoring your computer with the OEM disks that came with it. That will
install all the proper drivers for your computer's hardware. After that, if
the XP install still doesn't work, try locating updated drivers that are
compatible with XP. Before the crash, you may have updated those drivers
over the years without remembering it (a routine system update) or even
being aware of it (an update that upgraded the drivers without mention of

Beyond that, all I can do is wish you luck. Perhaps someone else can offer

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

Thanks for the great response and taking the time to help me out. What you
say rings true. I ripped out Windows ME about a year ago and XP was doing
fine until maybe a month ago. Yes, indeed, I used to subscribe to all of
the automatic updates. I've never had trouble like this before, though and
never had to resort to professional help although I think you may be right
this time... At this rate, all I need is the case to start building a new
computer from the parts I'm collecting!

I'm also kinda suprised at the foolish responses from people, knowing
someone is in trouble, and having a bit of fun at their expense. It's very
mean spirited. Is that common in these news groups, indifference to other
people's misfortune and need of assistance?

Thanks again and best regards. Phil
Sounds like a hardware problem such as defective RAM, an overheated CPU,
etc.. I suggest that you remove everything from your system except your
mobo, CPU and fan, one RAM chip, power supply, video card, and HD - then see
what happens. If it boots OK, start adding components one at a time until
the crash recurs.

Good luck.
Thanks Papa! I'm getting to the point where I think you are right... I did
what Dwight recommended and went back to the original OEM CD with Windows ME
on it. While it installed ok, I got an immediate "MSOOBE has caused and
error in Kernel 32 OLL error.." Just getting the ME operating system to run
has been an all-morning operation. Different error messages afer about five
or ten commands. Sometimes the system hangs and I have to start up again.
Despite the tedium, this morning I've managed to get the basics going again
and respond to this email using the ME Operating system... what a dog!.
I'll try what you say and let you know how I do... and thanks for the
excellent response... it's great to know there are folks out there that are
willing to help in this. I greatly appreciate.... Phil
What fooliosh responses did you recieve?
From looking at the thread, the only other people who responded to your post
where honer and myself. Neither of our answers could be considered
"foolish", or trying to have fun at your expense.
I can not speak for honor, but I was being completly seriouse. I have seen
almost the exect same problem you are having, on friends machines and my
own. I spent 3 days trying to install XP, installed a new CD, tried copying
the install files to the drive first, nothing worked. I finally found a KB
article on Microsoft's website that said it could be caused by defective
ram. Replaced the ram and the install went through without a single problem.
Philip Stefanini said:
Thanks Papa! I'm getting to the point where I think
you are right... I did what Dwight recommended and
went back to the original OEM CD with Windows
ME on it. While it installed ok, I got an immediate
"MSOOBE has caused and error in Kernel 32 OLL
error.." Just getting the ME operating system to run
has been an all-morning operation. Different error
messages afer about five or ten commands. Sometimes
the system hangs and I have to start up again. Despite
the tedium, this morning I've managed to get the basics
going again and respond to this email using the ME
Operating system... what a dog!. (snip)

Well, at least you're getting closer, Philip. Since ME installed and
didn't complain about the CD, HD, and so on, at least you know those are
okay. The Kernel error is bad news though. With that, I hope it turns out ot
be a hardware problem. The last time I had a Kernel error, I never got that
computer working right again (even after taking it to a repair shop). Again,
good luck and I'll leave you now in more capable hands.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)
Thanks Dwight, I'm hoping it is as simple as defective RAM and I'll gladly
pony up ... I'll let you know! and thanks again for everyone's help here...
it has truly helped me out of the doldrums.
Spinner...Wasn't from this group and I'm sorry for indulging misplaced
frustration of the moment.. I appreciate all of the responses and they all
helped greatly. Just knowing someone else out there has had the problem
sure brightened the picture! By the way, my email responses with thanks
didn't go through. I'll let you all know how I do when I done with the
trial and error diagnostic. I'll bet it is the RAM but I'm only part way
done. Phil
No problem. ;-)
Yes, please keep us updated. I would like to know what was really the
You folks were right on... it was a defective RAMBUS memory chip. I'll
replace as soon as I can get a replacement... Thanks to you all... your
suggestions got me in the right direction. Phil