Windows XP Help another case of IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL

May 4, 2008
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Like many others I have a major problem with this stop message.
My friend has a Time A320 notebook which despite its dubious reputation has served her well until this week.
She shutdown as normal after writing a leter in Word and next time she switched on she found the machine was in a continual boot cycle. Safe mode and last known were also not booting. She brought the beast to me and I tried to boot to safe unsuccessfully. It hung at bthidmgr.sys so I removed the blue tooth driver via Bart PE
Used XPhome sp2 disc to enter recovery and ran chkdsk /p found one error
Tried reboot which failed however there was a quick flash of Blue before the boot recycle which I believe said could not load hives !! ~ Damaged boot.ini ?? corrupt registry??
Could not access restore so Booted from Bart PE ,looked for boot.ini in root of c: ~no sign~ attrib -r -s -h~ still no sign???
Wanted to Rebuild config from recovery so booted with XP disk ~ BSOD as soon as OS selected.

Now every attempt to boot in any mode or to reinstall XP or enter recovery meets BSOD with stop message as soon as OS is selected


[ 0x0a310008,0x00000002,0x00000000,0x8081c63c ]

I can run from Bart PE and Hirens gives me access to c: for testing recovery etc. I have tested memory and HDD but where do I go from here.I would dearly like to find a way back to windows but as a last resort I will format and clean install or even restore to Factory with the infamous Time disks!
[ I need to extract WAB and a few gigs of files before I do anything destructive like a format and clean install.]
Any help will be much appreciated!
P.S. I have also tried simple things like removing power sources for an hour then try again just in case!
You can rescue widows files with this linux rescue distro .You sound as though you know more about this sort of thing than me so you might be able to replace your missing files with it aswell .

Still need HELP!!!!

Thanks it's always handy to have another tool! I don't use Linux much although I have a couple of little distros which run from CD and various older distros going back 10 or twelve years to Mandrake 5 or 6
Its good to see that it can read the windows partitions some don't and only a few can write successfully!
I'll have a 'butchers' and see if it can offer anything new.
Meanwhile back to my problem ~ can anyone point me to a free prog to recover WAB and VCF from the prompt??
Most only work from gui and sysinternals free is only 'Trial'

PS It's great to be a 'Junior' again after getting 'the Bus pass'
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