Help and support not working in Vista

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Hi, I have recently installed Vista Home Premium upgrade version. I had XP

There is one big problem. Ehrm, one of a few other...
Anyway, In my Vista Help and Support doesn't work. Everytime I click on
help in Vista it simply won't start.
Is this normal or what? Do I have to activate something?

Best Regards
Re: Help and support Not a setup issue---->Take to general group. That's
what it's for.

One frequent fix for Help and Support not working (try typing helppane.exe
into your run box which you can bring up by typing Windows Key + R)is this


If you know it worked at a certain, point try system restore points to when
it did.

If this doesn't work Use Startup Repair:

**Startup Repair**

You run the startup repair tool this way (and system restore from here is
also sometimes effective):

How To Run Startup Repair In Vista Ultimate (Multiple Screenshots)

Note The computer must be configured to start from a CD or from a DVD. For
information about how to configure the computer to start from a CD or from a
DVD, see the information that came with the computer.
2. Restart the computer. To do this, click Start, click the arrow next to
the Lock button, and then click Restart.

This usually means that you enter bios setup by whatever key or keys
(sometimes there is more than one key that will do it for your model--go to
pc manufacturer site) and configure CD to be first in the boot order.

See for ref:
Access/Enter Motherboard BIOS

Note If you cannot restart the computer by using this method, use the power
button to turn off the computer. Then, turn the computer back on.

3. Set your language preference, and then click Next.

Note In most cases, the startup repair process starts automatically, and you
do not have the option to select it in the System Recovery Options menu.

4. Click Repair your computer.

5. In the System Recovery Options dialog box, click the operating system
that you want to repair, and then click Next.

6. In the System Recovery Options menu, click Startup Repair to start the
repair process.

7. When the repair process is complete, click Finish.

Additional References for Startup Repair With Screenshots:

How to Use Startup Repair:

***Accessing Windows RE (Repair Environment):***

1) Insert Media into PC (the DVD you burned)

2) ***You will see on the Vista logo setup screen after lang. options in the
lower left corner, a link called "System Recovery Options."***

Screenshot: System Recovery Options (Lower Left Link)

Screenshot: (Click first option "Startup Repair"

How To Run Startup Repair In Vista Ultimate (Multiple Screenshots)

3) Select your OS for repair.

4) Its been my experience that you can see some causes of the crash from
theWin RE feature:

You'll have a choice there of using:

1) Startup Repair
2) System Restore
3) Complete PC Restore

Good luck,

Chad Harris said:
Re: Help and support Not a setup issue---->Take to general group. That's
what it's for.>

What is with your total fixation with telling people where they can and
cannot post on a public newserver?
How is this your decision anyway?

What the hell is the matter with you?
You're halarious. I am trying to clear this group of off topic threads that
have proliferated because people ran out and got Vista (hence the flood of
questionst that have been answered literally thousands of times in the
general group).

Note I have still solved problems and answered questions of the off group
posts, just as I did this time and all you did was ramble about your
delusion on lol what my fixation is.

I don't have a fixation. Get this straight. A company called Microsoft
named and organized the groups. They add them; they subtract them. I post
issues in the group closes to the name for the issue. I am tired of the
January 30 Vista crowd flooding this group with questions that are general
group questions as was this one. I provided the solution and you are
providing rambling bitching.

Get your mommy johnm to tell you how to find the NNTP reader newsgroups and
get your m ommy to buy you a Vista 101 book so you can start to learn to use

If the posts here that you say have been solved THOUSANDS of times in the
general group then why don't you say that and point the Poster directly to
the specific thread in the General News group that has solve the problem so
many times.
You recent invasion of this newsgroup with out your providing any useful
responses certainly make all of us that have been supporting it the last 6
months unhappy as you have seen.
I guess you are hoping for a lot of ATA BOYS based on the number of your
responses (which are mostly worthless) at next months MVP convention, but
you better be prepared for a lot criticism for your lack of politeness or
respect for the other MVPs and OPs on this newsgroup also in fact I would
not be surprised if MS revoked your MVP status. And gave ATI-BOYS to MVPs
such as Dana, Jamie, and Jason and others that have always been polite and
helpful instead of critical to posters and have always offered suggestions
in addition to pointing the OPs to SPECIFIC other news groups that might be
better able to asset them.
You're halarious. I am trying to clear this group of off topic threads that
have proliferated because people ran out and got Vista (hence the flood of
questionst that have been answered literally thousands of times in the
general group).

Oh most wise poster, please tell us your humble and only human
servants who sit in awe of such a all knowing omnipotent pontificator
like you just how oh mightly one, you will "clear this group" of off
topic threads that have proliferated?

We sit trembling over your limitless powers and dread your mighty
sword that if we don't obey, you may set forth lightening bolts and
cause the earth to sake in fear of thy mighty power.

So sorry Chad, my prayer rug it at the cleaners. I keep telling you
that you aren't in charge, you admit you aren't in charge, yet the
sanctimonious jerk you are, here again you pretend you are in charge
claiming you are trying to clear this group of posts you think aren't
appropriate, which only confirms you are utterly clueless on how
newsgroups such as this function.

Hint: In unmoderated newsgroups such as this, NOBODY is in charge.
That means that people like you that think they can tell people where
they can post or what they can post about come across as babbling
baboons. I'm only trying to help you avoid that embarrassing
situtation and I feel I've failed. Well, I've tried. :-(
I've solved a lot of problems in a lot of groups and general and setup are
two vista groups. If someone is so stupid that they can't try out their
toolbar buttons or read the Win Mail or OE help and find Edit>Find to do a
search bub it ain't my job to be their search valet. I spend considerable
time providing answers and helping them navitate thousands of MSFT web

Either you can do the same or continue to lurk and push your learning curve.

There is no recent invasion of this group by me. I was helping on day one
when it started and on the TBT groups way prior to that with Vista. It's
your recent invasion of this group that makes you think I'm recent to it. I
was here helping way before you had Vista.

Some of us have lots to do and we help when we get time. Much of the best
help got fed up with the clutter on these groups that results from just
childishly asking any question that pops into their heads on whatever window
opens in stead of reading what the group is for and finding the group that
fits their question. The other problems have to do with search in two

90% of the OP questioners could get their answer fast by searching Help and
Support in Vista or searching the appropriate news group. They have to be
smart enough as I've taught you a number of times to find the list of groups
and subscribe to the appropriate ones. That comes from reading Help in Win

I don't give a flying fk about ata boys from cyber dudes and dudesses I'll
never see. My motivation for helping has been stated many times. MSFT
contracts to Convergys of Ohio because it's cheap and that means more money
for their toys. Convergys outsources to the lowest paid, and untrained and
poorly English speaking Indian call centers imaginable. And don't pull the
ethnic Indian slam card--this has nothing to do with any country and its
people's talent and hard work--it has to do with MSFT's irresponsible
cheapness and Convergys' putting bodies in seats with a heart rate
compatible with sitting up in the chair but having nothing to do with
knowledge of Vista, Office or other software that Convergys contracted to
MSFT and outsourced to India purports to "support."

I'm not an MVP, and it's not something I give any thought to because it's
fairly politicized--MSFT has bounced some of their best MVPs because they
didn't tow the party line. MSFT isn't fond of criticism and if you think
they are, you really haven't drilled Windows Vista which shipped with a very
stellar number of significant bugs that we told them to correct and they
simply refused to.

I don't give a damn who says what that you reference. Again, my main
mission is to help when I can, learn when I can, and I will continue to
support putting posts in a setup install group that have to do with setup
and install. Anyone who supports anything else is crazy. MSFT lables the
gorups for a specific purpose, and in fact most good forums including most
MSFT forums won't put up with ectopic off point questions or answer them.

I have alwyas exhibited politness and respect in answering questions that
are on point to the group's purpose and name; do the search which you
obviously have not newbie.

LOL there isn't a helluva lot for MSFT to "revoke" from me. I help their
customers because their phone support is so eggregiously terrible and get
nothing from them whatsoever.

You sure have a thick skull metaphorically speaking. Maybe some remedial
reading or some help understanding this would bring you some peace.

Where are those JW fixes and solutions on any MSFT news group?


You must think sharing your delusions is entertaining for some people and
your perceptions of why someone posts. Are people picking on you day in and
day out at work and home?

Are you "in charge of this group"--because for over a year and a half I've
posted help when I could, gotten help when I could and I could give a damn
about who is in charge. My info is that these groups are mediated by the
Redmond server farm at MSFT and MSFT has community people who have named the

Keep defending putting posts non appropriate on this group for the rest of
your life if that's the only contribution you know how to make and
apparently it is.

I've solved a lot of problems in a lot of groups and general and setup are
two vista groups. If someone is so stupid that they can't try out their
toolbar buttons or read the Win Mail or OE help and find Edit>Find to do a
search bub it ain't my job to be their search valet. I spend considerable
time providing answers and helping them navitate thousands of MSFT web

At this point I doubt anybody gives a rat's ass how much you may have
helped in the past, now you clearly are just a pest and troll in most
people's eyes.

I just did a rough caculation, I've been active on the web in
countless newsgroups (under many posting names), dozens of forums and
more times then I care to remember communicating via email. I'm
figuring I've spent thousands of hours of my personal time in nearly
30 years, first on boards, then Usenet, then forums, just tying to
help people, because in the distant past somebody was nice enough to
help me and I really appreciated it.

My story is nothing special, it is similar to countless thousands of
others that also freely offer their help and give up their personal
time. Once in awhile somebody says thanks. That's good enough for me
and most people.

What exactly are you expecting here Chad? Should we pass the hat and
see if we can raise enough money to build you a ten foot bronze statue
so pigons can shit on it? Is that what you want?

What are you being such a self-absorbed jerk for?

People coming here aren't stupid as you keep saying. They are just
looking for help. Many are probably a little frustrated, even a little
worried. You greet them with this is wrong group don't ask here
bullshit. How lame!

This may come as a shock to you but you don't have to help anybody.
You can very easily skip over any post your don't want to respond to.
Yes, that takes some willpower. Something you are obviously lacking.
You seem to get off on pissing on people and pretending you're a
know-it-all. I rarely speak for others, this time I'll make an
expection, we got to wonder why you're acting up, what's your problem?

You must think sharing your delusions is entertaining for some people and
your perceptions of why someone posts. Are people picking on you day in and
day out at work and home?

You are starting to make me believe you are not just delusional, but
seriously mentally ill. Get help fella, you're sick.