Thats great... but it is too complicated. It will take me at least 2
hours on the phone to explain that and at the end I will need to drink
half a bottle of whiskey to calm down!
It has just occurred to me that there ought to be a way of returning
Word to it's original state, is there a preferences file somewhere
that I can get her to delete so it will go back to the freshly
installed settings?
Hey thanks again,
You can make the changes for her.
Netmeeting is free and is already present on all recent Windows
versions, except Vista. Here's what you do the first time:
- Click Start, Run, type CONF, click OK.
- Go through the one-time Setup Wizard, filling in first and last names,
email address, and deselect "Log on to a directory server when
Netmeeting starts". Just click your way through the audio tuning
wizard, unless you want to use them too.
- Then Netmeeting will start. One of you will have to email the other
your ip address. Here's a few ways to get that:
1. In NM, click Help, About Windows Netmeeting. The IP address is
there, but if it starts off 192.168. that's the wrong one, and you have
a router.
2. Go to and copy/paste your ip address.
3. Click Start, Run, type CMD, click OK. Type IPCONFIG, and press
Enter and you'll see the IP address.
Now starts the common, everyday desk-sharing routine:
- Send the IP address.
- Recipient types it into the top pane, clicks the phone icon.
- After the connection is made, "host" clicks the low left icon, which
looks like a hand holding a window.
- Click Desktop, click Share. Click "Allow Control" button.
- You request control (an option at the top of the window with their
desktop display), they accept in the prompt that pops up, and you have
control. You can then click View, Full Screen and you'll see nothing
but their desktop on your screen.
Problems? Brian Sullivan offered the following:
The first thing that you have determine is if the MIL PC is behind a NAT
router or has a software firewall protecting it.
If the IP as shown in the help about of NM is from the sets 192.168.x.x,
10.x.x.x, 172.16-31.x.x, her computer is behind a NAT router of some kind.
If the router is under her control she would have to configure the
router to forward tcp 1503 to her computer (or put her computer in the
Configuring the router is product specific so it is hard to give
explicit instructions. If she is running a software firewall she would
have allow NetMeeting to act as a server in her firewall software.
If the router is outside of her control you will not be able to call her.
It may be still possible to connect though if she calls you (all the
same instructions should be used but at your end.
Next you would have determine the "public" IP -- either from the help
about of NetMeeting or from the router configuration if a router.
Assuming NM is waiting for a call at the to be callled end, you can then
call using the public IP and have her share her desktop allowing control.