I have an iPAQ device with cellular extension, i would like to access
it from within my software, i read about phone.dll and sms.dll but
didn't find them not on the device or in the SDK installation
location, do i need to use them? if i do where can i find them? how to
install them into the device?
If i don't need them, can i use TAPI? where can i find a TAPI source
for CF? how do i decide on which com port the device works? does TAPI
automatically detect that?
Any help is appreciated since i am "running" around microsoft samples
and website like crazy rabbit...
it from within my software, i read about phone.dll and sms.dll but
didn't find them not on the device or in the SDK installation
location, do i need to use them? if i do where can i find them? how to
install them into the device?
If i don't need them, can i use TAPI? where can i find a TAPI source
for CF? how do i decide on which com port the device works? does TAPI
automatically detect that?
Any help is appreciated since i am "running" around microsoft samples
and website like crazy rabbit...