Help - Access with VB

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vrijesh Jeswant
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Vrijesh Jeswant

Hi All,

I am trying to use an Access database from within a Visual
Basic 6.0 application. I have several forms that are
supposed to work with various table in the DB. I have a
few questions regarding this:

1. Is it absolutely necessary to use a Data Control field
with each form that accesses the database. Is there a way
to specify the database without using a data control in
the VB form?

2. I am able to include a Data Control and set its
Database Name to the required DB, but when I try to set
the RecordSource, I get the "Unrecognized Database Format
error". I even tried converting the db to both 2000 and
2002 formats, but get the same error. Also, is there a way
to use the tables without having to set the record source?

I have Win2K, Office 2003, VStudio6.0 with Service pack 5

I know this question deals more with VB than with Access,
and I apologize for this, but I am hoping someone has the
answer. Any help will be very much appreciated.

Thank you and have a great day,

You acknowledged that this is a "VB" question ... have you also posted to
the VB 'groups?

1. No, there are a few different ways to access data in a database, but the
data control is probably the easiest. Other ways involve creating
connection, command and recordset objects (usually), initialising these to
obtain the information you want from the database and then loading the data
into the controls. For databound controls, it's more usual to use the data
control as a data source.

2. It sounds as though you're using a wrong Connection String in that
property of the data control .. for an access database your connection
string should look something like:

Source=C:\Database.mdb;Persist Security Info=True

though obviously not exactly the same. If you click the ellipsis ( ... )
button at the right end of the Command String property in the properties
window, you get the opportunity to "Build" the string .. the build dialog
allows you to test the connection before committing it to the property.

