HELP! Access Subsheet Problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shaundra
  • Start date Start date


I posted this yesterday, but didn't get any responce, so
I wanted to make my question a little more clear.

I've created a spread sheet/ data base in Access.

It contains a tabel with a list of Codes (each code
represents a type / categorizing of activity - so that
#123 - means jumping and #456 means turning).

I wanted to add subsheets under each with will show 'who'
is jumping "how many are jumping" and what it cost them -
a sort of client list.

The problem is: When ever I create a subsheet for one, it
shows up under ALL the activities on the list rather than
just the one I've selected with the cursor. I need to be
able to treat each as an individual which would allow me
to continue until I reach the end.

Perhaps the problem is that: I'm attempting to add the
subsheets to a query while in data sheet view.

I hope this is clear because I haven't been able to
figure this out. Another example would be:
If records A, B, C (All caps) need their corresponding
subsheets a, b, c - when I add one subsheet, Access adds
that sheet to all; so that my table looks like: Aa, Ba,
Ca instead what I want, which is Aa, Bb, Cc.

Please help!

Forget datasheet view for a moment - what is the design of your tables?
Have you defined how the tables are related? If you tell Access how tables
are related, then it will automatically build the correct filters for

Access is *not* a spreadsheet program, so if you're trying to make it act
like one, you will fail.

John Viescas, author
"Microsoft Office Access 2003 Inside Out"
"Running Microsoft Access 2000"
"SQL Queries for Mere Mortals"
(Microsoft Access MVP since 1993)