Help! Access Query Range???

Jul 12, 2005
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Hi. I am putting together an Access model that calculates transport tariff by shipment weight. The query I am trying to run will have two table sources. First table will be a list of assembled shipments. The second will be a list of tariff costs by country and postcode. How can I ask Access to match country and postcode, then look at weight. If weight is less than 50 then select 50 tariff, if weight is between 50 and 100, select 100 tariff??

Data Table 1: Tariff Cost Table 2:

Country Postcode Weight Country Postcode Weight Cost
FRANCE 16 4.5 FRANCE 01 50 20
FRANCE 03 34.7 FRANCE 02 100 30
ITALY 46 894.3 FRANCE 03 200 40
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I've never favored action type queries, but perhaps using an append query and some if statements could get the results your looking for. Otherwise i would just output the query values to a module that does all the calculating. The module can then output those variables to a table , report or whereever it neeed go.