Mathew said:
i dono what i am doing but i realy need to have a picture in my form
u know like employees record with a picture or some kind of
registration form...
could some one help me please "step by step"
im using office 2003 prof. Access
The easiest method is to place an ImageControl on the form. Put all pictures
into a common folder and name them with the primary key. In other words if your
primary key was EmployeeNum and there was an employee with the number 123456,
then his picture would be stored as 123456.bmp.
Then in the Current event of the form you have code that sets the Picture
property of the image control...
Me.ImageControlName.Picture = "PathToCommonFolder" & Me.PrimaryKeyName & ".bmp"
There are methods that use bound object frames that require you to store your
images within the database, but storing images in your tables leads to severe
file-bloat and they often get corrupted. It's much better to keep the files
stored externally on disk.