Help!! 98 Connection to XP


Ron Sparks

I have set up a peer to peer network with Windows XP Pro and Windows 98
first edition. The computers can see each other, Win XP machine can open
files on the 98 machine, but the 98 machine cannot open shared folders on
the XP machine. Get a message about not enough memory, close all programs.
There are not any programs open. I checked the hard drive and it is NTFS,
but the security tab is missing. I checked for simple file sharing and it
was not checked. I am very frustrated as is my client. Does anyone have a

Thank you for your help in advance!

Candace Sparks

M. Rajesh


If you have the XP files on NTFS partition then 98 cannot
read NTFS partition. it can read only FAT32 partitions.

M. Rajesh

Ken Blake

In said:
If you have the XP files on NTFS partition then 98 cannot
read NTFS partition. it can read only FAT32 partitions.

No, this is *not* correct.

It is true that Windows 98 can not see a *local* NTFS partition,
but that does not apply over a network. It's the data that's sent
over the network, not the file system. When Windows 98 accesses a
file on an NTFS partition on a networked computer running XP, the
XP computer does the I/O and sends the data to the 98 computer.

Ken Blake
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