I completely and very strongly disagree.
80% of the questions are answered, or attempted to be answered. Of the rest
of the 20%, there are many that donot supply complete information or just
cannot be answered because the question-asker needs to go read a book
instead of expecting the few over here to teach "ADO.NET" in 10 words or
less or well, some questions are just too tough (just being honest), or some
of them require more dialog than a simple 100 word post could cover.
Not to mention, this right here is ___FREE ADVICE___ that you are cribbing
about the quality of which, you get right from the horse's mouth. Bill
Vaughn, David Sceppa, Bill Ryan, Cor Ligthert, Jon Skeet, Miha, and the
likes - these guys are worth their weight in GOLD. Plus they have fulltime
jobs to do, and they get paid zilch to come around here.
The guys I mentioned above know a *lot*, but they are very down to earth and
are so approachable. I get a lot of messages from my blog about questions,
and though I cannot answer each one of them personally, I am amazed how much
time an average MVP must spend for absolutely free, simply answering these
interesting techie questions; which I am sure they receive as emails too
(Seriously Bill, how many emails do you get everyday? I get anywhere from
10-25 questions only thru my blog *everyday*, and I cannot afford to respond
to each one of them without quitting my paying job, and my apologies to all
that I haven't been able to reply to).
Aaron, "Dude", for free, these newsgroups absolutely rock !! They are better
than any book, any msdn tutorial, and the folks here are the nicest and most
helpful I have ever seen, and you too could roll up your sleeves and look at
the 20% unanswered questions.
- Sahil Malik