Glad to hear it!!
Flops we are all glad you are still vertical.
I've been good thanks TC. Lots of changes though, started uni at Keele in Staffs doing History and Politics, got meself a girlfriend there and generally am enjoying life.
Found out today I have tonsilitis though which is annoying, but apprantly penecillin should get rid of it without me needing my tonsils out. Sore throat + headache + temperature + cold = bad day.
I am now officially entirely out of touch with all things computing. I didn't even know there was a Windows 7 AB! It seems obscene that they try so hard to make us take up Vista only to make us pay again a few years later...! And as for the 'rumour'... well we all know that there is no smoke without fire
I spent most of the last semester drunk, except when I was hungover. I failed most of my modules and so now have to retake them in April because I failed to do most of the work. Another success for alcohol there

Uni life is much better than home life though. Keele is very quiet for a uni (there are only about 5000 students there - there are about 30,000 in Brighton/Sussex) but it is still at least 1500x more exciting than Hemel 'nothing ever happens here except unemployment' Hempstead.
So, yeah. I have a lot of catching up to do this semester - there is no way I am going to retake first year - and things have calmed down a bit - on top of which I can't drink anyway for the next two weeks because I am on Ibuprofen and Penecillin.
I'll be hanging about on the forum more often now, even though I will serve no practical use.