I posted this message a couple of weeks ago and know one answered. I am not
sure if why. I am sure that I am not the only one that has had this issue.
Or is it because I used a dirty N word. "Novell"

Here is my previous post. I really hope someone can help with this because I
don't know what else to do.
Abandoning Novell is simply not an option at this point.

UnauthorizedAccessException when trying to access a Novell network drive.
The code is very simple.

This is the line that fails when trying to create a new StreamWriter where
_filename is a string that points to a Novell network drive.

StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(_filename,false);

The user has full access to the directory.
By the way. This line works fine on the local box as well as accessing a
Windows NT 4.0 or 200x Server drive. This issue is only with Novell Drives.

The client is Windows XP SP2 using the native Novell client drivers that
came with XP.
I have not yet Tried the Novell Client Drivers from Novell.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


In windows, you can have seperate permissions for the file, directory AND
the share itself. In other words, user "JDoe" could have full permissions on
the file and directory but have read-only permission for the share..

Also, throw a try/catch block around that and get what the
UnauthorizedAccessException.Message is..

Carl Daniel [VC++ MVP]

JT said:
I posted this message a couple of weeks ago and know one answered. I
am not sure if why. I am sure that I am not the only one that has had
this issue. Or is it because I used a dirty N word. "Novell"

Or because you just haven't asked in the right forum (it can be hard to tell

I'd suggest posting in


Another thing to try: Write a non-managed (i.e. native C/C++ program) that
attempts to access the same Novell share and see if that works. Most likely
it will also fail, because most likely, the problem has nothing to do with
..NET and everything to do with Windows network security.


Ignacio Machin \( .NET/ C# MVP \)


I had running a similar code until a couple of weeks ago that the client
upgrade to win 2003, it ran without any problem.

So probably you have permission problems writting to that share, open a
notepad write some chars and try to save it in that share and see what
happen, I dont think there is nothing especial writting to a novell share

if the above works, try to write to the same file you are writting in your
code, maybe the name is not valid in novell, maybe it;s being used somewhere


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