Heavyweight's Challenge

  • Thread starter Thread starter Adam
  • Start date Start date


In our Access DB, a form opens.

'On Open' it opens an application...Microsoft Outlook via
a "Call Shell" statement, ie Outlook is sitting on top of
the form.

We want to use Outlook as our Job Scheduler so that if we
change a date of appointment in the Calendar, using the
mouse to shift the appointment, to another date, that
change will be reflected in a table in the access database
that has the old appointment date.

We really need to be able to look ahead at say two months
and change appointment dates by using a mouse rather than
by entering dates manually using the keyboard. We believe
Outlook will solve our problems if the changes we make in
Outlook will be reflected in Access.

Now my dear Masters, may I please ask...can this be done?

Thank you

You already have the date in Outlook, so you should not store in redundantly
in Access as well. Use Automation to grab any dates you want from Outlook
for display in your application. There is a lot of info on automating
Outlook on the MS website.


Adrian Jansen
J & K MicroSystems
Microcomputer solutions for industrial control
Adam said:
In our Access DB, a form opens.

'On Open' it opens an application...Microsoft Outlook via
a "Call Shell" statement, ie Outlook is sitting on top of
the form.

We want to use Outlook as our Job Scheduler so that if we
change a date of appointment in the Calendar, using the
mouse to shift the appointment, to another date, that
change will be reflected in a table in the access database
that has the old appointment date.

You can link the Outlook calendar with File/Get External Data/ Link.
The Outlook type is well down the list.