Heavy Storage Computer with fast access over network.

Jun 28, 2006
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Over the period of 2 years ,i have amassed several computers also now im running out of space to fit new Hard drives into them there is just not enough space.Its really frustrating accessing each drives across my network and i have run out usb slots for external hardrives.

Im looking for a computer system that can store it leat 10 hardrive bay and where i can also fit several dvd drives. So practically a computer with 10 hardrives slot and 6 dvd drives slots. Im looking for speed , i started noticing if i accessed large files from various hard drives in my network speed would decrease dramatically, like if example 2 of my kids were accessing the same drives and were using larges files, things started getting really slow i need a system that will be able to cope with the load of it least 5 hardrives having their data being accessed simultanously from within without crippling the computer speed and slowing things down.

Any idea where i can acquire such system and what critical hardware will i need?
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Than for info, but i was more looking for a company that specialise in building those type of systems. Just pure speed on HDD's and high performance. Im not looking into buying the components seperately expect the hardrives, and i cant seem to find a motherboard that will support more than 6 hardrives and 6 dvd/cd drives ( ill need a very good motherboard that can support the hardrives, good processor, fast hardrives, good memory, and big case).So just imagine a pc with 7 hardrive bay+ and 6 cd/dvd bay all connected into 1 system with the capacity to support work load data when all drives are accessed at the same time withou causing much load to the system and slowing things down, so lets say i had 6 people accessing each hardrive in the pc, one was accessing drive 1 to play games, one was accessing drive 2 to use a program, one was accesssing drive 3 to copy files, etc so far when this situation happens thing slows down dramatically.

muckshifter said:
As it happens, yes ...



If you need more info, post as many questions as you like. ;)

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you're probably better off building a system yourself and running FreeNAS on it, how much space are you after ? 3TB + ?

i think your slow downs may be network related as well, what speed is the network ? gigabit ?
Yea but which motherborad will support 7 hardrives and 6dvd/cd drives? And which processor will support the load of 7 hardrives being simulatnously accessed at the same time?

Also i was planning having 500 GB HDD x7 , im on a 100Mbps connection.

Me__2001 said:
you're probably better off building a system yourself and running FreeNAS on it, how much space are you after ? 3TB + ?

i think your slow downs may be network related as well, what speed is the network ? gigabit ?
muplayer2000 said:
Yea but which motherborad will support 7 hardrives and 6dvd/cd drives?
Most motherboards will ... 126 drives in total, I think.

And which processor will support the load of 7 hardrives being simulatnously accessed at the same time?

Also i was planning having 500 GB HDD x7
Why ?

You need to look at RAID arrays ... better still, have a talk with Dell, HP or IBM about getting a "proper" server. :thumb:

mucks you have a point

should really have asked before, is this a profesional setup you're after and what sort of budget ?

i'd take a look at the comapines mucks has listed, they all do some nice looking setups although they dont have the number of optical drives you're after
I can't understand why he wants 6 DVD drives ... what the hell you gonna do with them all ... if it is so you can mass copy data CDs then you'd be better off buying a multi-drive duplicator.


Without really knowing what he is trying to do, I'm gonna pass on anymore suggestions.

Its sort of a mix, u see there is 16 of us in the house, everyone uses things on the network , so much data.

So in the end i was looking for a massive pc that could store several hardrives and cd/dvd drives so evertone could access them from the network.
So far i have been limited to 2 hardrives, hence the motherboard can only support a limited amount of ide cables which in standard 2 for cd/dvd, and 2 for hardrives not much is it when you have about 10 Hardrives.

Also im fed up with external usb hardrives, they slower than internal ones also it gets messy with all the cables running.

I was looking to buy 6 -10,000RPM SATA 16MB Cache Hardrives 500GB but they so bloody expansive, would have taught the price would have fallen down by now. Anyone know a company that can built a rig to my specifications? Plz no alienware those people are rip off their exagerate on their prices. i have dell in my list.

Whats the fastest setp up for a combo of 6 hardrives? Raid o,..
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ok i see, i have a solution but its a build it yourself jobbie, the way i'd approach it would be to build an average spec PC in one of these

use say 8x 500GB samsung drives in RAID 5, that way if a drive dies you can still recover your data

hardware wise it is possible especially in that case its just if your willing to pay for it all
There is a tower case that can support up to 18 devices.

So i have decided to build the system by buying the parts separately.

One question though , if i use lets say 4 hardrive and 4 dvd burner at the same in this scenario:

HDD1 burn data to DVD burner 1
HDD2 burn data to DVD burner 2
HDD3 burn data to DVD burner 3
HDD4 burn data to DVD burner 4

Will the system performance slow down to a stagering halt? And cause the burning to fail?
Because i tested one system and it had 3 hardrive and 3 dvd burner, and i noticed while burning in nero the buffer level kept going under 90% which resulted in failure in burn its like the system couldnt cope with the transfer of informations from several devices , the thing is im only accessing 1 file at a time from each Hardrive which is just sent to burner so i am not accessing several file from the same HDD each file is access one at a time roughly size of file is 3GB , so i burn 1 file from HDD1 , 1 file from HDD 2, 1 File from HDD3 and so on. Anyone has a clue whats causing the buffer level to decrease and cause failure in burns? I need a system that can cope with this in order to start building it but before i proceed i need to know what hardware ( Processor? RAM?etc..) upgrade is needed in order to prevent this particular problem i mentioned above

Im thinkign of purchasing these to build the system:
Motherboard :ASUS® P5B DELUXE: DUAL DDR2, S-ATA II, x16 VGA, 3 PCI
Processor:INTEL® Core 2 Duo E6700 (2 X 2.66GHz) 1066MHz FSB/4MB L2 Cache
Power Supply :1010W OCZ GameXStream Power Supply Nvidia SLI-Ready UK version
Hardrive :500GB Capacity, SATA-II Interface, 7200RPM -Quantity 5

Me__2001 said:
ok i see, i have a solution but its a build it yourself jobbie, the way i'd approach it would be to build an average spec PC in one of these

use say 8x 500GB samsung drives in RAID 5, that way if a drive dies you can still recover your data

hardware wise it is possible especially in that case its just if your willing to pay for it all
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muplayer2000 said:
Motherboard :ASUS® P5B DELUXE: DUAL DDR2, S-ATA II, x16 VGA, 3 PCI
Processor:INTEL® Core 2 Duo E6700 (2 X 2.66GHz) 1066MHz FSB/4MB L2 Cache

Power Supply :1010W OCZ GameXStream Power Supply Nvidia SLI-Ready UK version

Hardrive :500GB Capacity, SATA-II Interface, 7200RPM -Quantity 5

nice setup there

mmmm I make that 2.5 TERRABYTES of harddisk space
tell me how much of that will you use?

Also as a point for everyone else a 500gb harrdrive how much of that will show up in a windows xp operating system? 470?
i have 1 of those HD's and get 465GB to play with, was a tad shocked to see how much i'd lost

muplayer if you could just clarify something, you want 4 burners to burn different jobs simultaneously ?

i think you'll run out of bandwidth between devices doing that but you'd have to test it
Me__2001 said:
i have 1 of those HD's and get 465GB to play with, was a tad shocked to see how much i'd lost

muplayer if you could just clarify something, you want 4 burners to burn different jobs simultaneously ?

i think you'll run out of bandwidth between devices doing that but you'd have to test it

omg that means he will lose around 175gbs all in all!

that is a heck of a lot aint it?

do you know if u were to use linux if the harrdrives would all come up as 500gb?
or another os?
psd99 said:
omg that means he will lose around 175gbs all in all!

that is a heck of a lot aint it?

do you know if u were to use linux if the harrdrives would all come up as 500gb?
or another os?

it doesn't make any difference AFAIK, its to do with the manufacturers saying 1KB = 1000Bytes instead of 1024 like PC's use
6 burner burning 1 file from each HDD, i explained it above with the scenario case. What do you mean run out of bandwidth?

Me__2001 said:
i have 1 of those HD's and get 465GB to play with, was a tad shocked to see how much i'd lost

muplayer if you could just clarify something, you want 4 burners to burn different jobs simultaneously ?

i think you'll run out of bandwidth between devices doing that but you'd have to test it
all of the information no matter what drive its coming from or going to will have to go along the data bus which could get overloaded which will cause buffer underrun errors

tbh i dont know what setup would be best, i dunno how much CPU power nero will need to do that many jobs

all i can say is you'll need atleast a dual core CPU, the E6700 should be enough but again i'm guessing here

hopefully someone else can give you some more help
Yea hopefully i dont wanna waste £1600 on a system for nothing really :o

Me__2001 said:
all of the information no matter what drive its coming from or going to will have to go along the data bus which could get overloaded which will cause buffer underrun errors

tbh i dont know what setup would be best, i dunno how much CPU power nero will need to do that many jobs

all i can say is you'll need atleast a dual core CPU, the E6700 should be enough but again i'm guessing here

hopefully someone else can give you some more help
never seen a set up with so many devices - would require a lot of power and cooling and i wouldn't know if the motherboard would handle such high bandwidth

would it not be better to build two systems ?

you said you had a network in the house with 16 ppl - couldn't they just copy the files to there pc and burn it on there pc

**really with all that usage - sounds like ur mass copying dvds