

sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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I am not a religious person but for the sake of this thread let's assume there is a Heaven :)

When you arrive at the pearly gates (cos you know you've been good all your life haven't you? ;) ) you're asked to fiill in a form detailing how you'd like each week in this here paradise taken up.

Everybody gets a choice and you can change things at will, so it's not as if your initial choice is set in stone.

So, what would you like to do to fill your week?

Coupla notes: Nookie and all the food and drink of your choice is a given, so you don't have to fill in your love interest or which culinary delights take your fancy, they're already taken care of :)

Also, where applicable, you will have good company with you from friends or family who've also made their way upstairs.

This would be my schedule:

Friday Saturday & Sunday: A Glastonbury Festival where it never rains, I stay in a caravan (not a tent) and the acts change each week.

Monday & Tuesday: Spent at a Theme Park, different one each week and there's never more than a five minute wait for a ride.

Wednesday: Walking in the countryside, I always drive there in a Morgan sports car and the weather is always bright, dry and not too hot. I would start with Derbyshire in the UK and work my way all round the world's scenic locations.

Thursday: Chill day, do what you like, play computer games, watch films, bathe by the pool, go fishing, ten pin bowling - whatever.

So, who's for heaven and watcha gonna do then? :)
Ohh good thread :)

Mon/Wed/Fri I'd like to visit a new tourist destination each time... the Pyramids one time, Niagra Falls the next, etc... I love exploring :D

Tuesdays : A new aircraft each week, with unlimited fuel and the ability to land at any airport.

Thursdays : Spent learning a new skill, anything from archery to making a perfect curry. As it seems we'll be there for a long time it should be hard to get bored from this ;)

Sat/Sun : Relaxing with anyone else that made it, watching films, BBQs, beer on the beach and so on.

Sounds like a hard week doesn't it ;)
floppybootstomp said:
Everybody gets a choice and you can change things at will, so it's not as if your initial choice is set in stone.

Is there a check box on the form to select wether you would like Yahoo tool bar installed or not..?

As for my week:

Monday would be a track day at Donington on Valentino Rossi's Moto GP bike....

Tuesday would be a tour of Brawn Gp workshops with a few hours where I can play with any of the toys/machines they have..

Wednesday I would like to go up in a F-117 Nighthawk

Thursday would be another track day, this time somewhere like Monte Carlo in the 2 seater Ferrari, until I had learnt the track and was allowed the rest of the day to play in one at my own free will..

Friday I would like to be gig day/night..Almost like a one day concert every Friday, with all my favourite bands, but always with Nine Inch Nails headlining

Saturday would be beer and BBQ day with all me mates and family from SA

Sunday, as I would have ignored her and the sprogs all week would be a lovely day out in the country with missus and kids...Then home for a loverly roast dinner...I'd be quite happy with that every week...:thumb:
Monday...Build a Space Ship from Ikea that is guaranteed Heat proof, infinate speed and auto correcting incase of mis inputing

Tuesday ...spend a day exploring a new world or orbiting a distant sun by myself

Wednesday ..Let the wife and kids see the best part of my discovery

Thursday .. Me and the wife head to the nearest moon for a meal and :)

Friday..Chill with the kids on our inter galactic playground space ship , complete with cyber playground and computer amenities , whilst getting rat arse* with the wife.

Saturday and Sunday...now then ...All them lovely ladies and all that space with a clear concious
Interesting thread. :)

I imagine we would all do the things we really enjoy doing now with lots of extras thrown in. It reminded me of a short story I read many years ago – can’t remember the name of the book or the author.

Chap dies and goes to Heaven and is told that, as he was a very good man in his lifetime, he will be placed in Heaven One. This means that he can have everything that he wants, with no strings, IN PERPETUITY. He has the house of his choice, by the beach or in the mountains, or even both if he wishes. He can have ladies waiting on for him who will provide ANYTHING he wants. He will be able to eat whatever he wants and at any time and even the worst diet will not matter as he will be here FOREVER MORE.

He thinks this marvellous, eats like a pig and takes up activities that he did not participate in when he was alive. He gets a Ferrari and becomes a racing driver and, of course, wins all the races. He can drive like a madman and no harm can come to him – he is in Heaven and cannot be injured. He takes up golf and quickly becomes a great player and is going round the course in the low 60’s after a week. Slowly he begins to get round the course in 50, then 40, later 30 and eventually gets round every course, no matter how difficult, in just 18 strokes. He takes up mountaineering and is soon able to climb every peak with great ease. Everything he does he excels in. Life is wonderful.

After 10 years of this he finally has done everything and there are no more achievements for him to undertake. He becomes restless and gradually feels rather depressed ! He continues to do everything perfectly but feels there is something missing and eventually he asks the Supreme Being in charge of him if he can be allowed to die and not be revived in any way.

He has realised that in this state of affairs there is no danger, no doubts, no chance of failure That’s what satisfaction in life surely is- knowing that you have overcome the odds, even when there was a chance of failure and you were successful.

Interesting little story.

Douze points for крунчер. My theme song:

After a long hard think about this... I think my biggest desire is always for "more time" so I'd love to somehow find that I was able to divide my consciousness into two or three, so that I really could "multi-task" and enjoy several things at once.

For me, it is always agony to buy several books, then not be able to choose which to read first and yes, I often have several on the go at once, but imagine being able to read them simultaneously!

I love the countryside too, and I'm sure it was a mistake that I was born in the middle of a city. But the coast is nice too - not for basking-on-a-beach, but beachcombing and pootling about in rock-pools, so nice to do both when I cannot make up my mind about which I'd prefer to do.

Hmmm... on reflection, maybe I don't really need the split-personality thing at all, maybe all I really need is the ability to make decisions when I'm given more than one choice :rolleyes: :lol:

Regarding Urmas' link... the version I have always loved is by Scott Walker wotta voice :D
Taffycat said:
Regarding Urmas' link... the version I have always loved is by Scott Walker wotta voice :D
Mmm... Mort Shuman's translations... ahem.

Reminds me of the Following:
Violet: What are you reading?
Charlie Brown: This is an adaptation of Sherlock Holmes.
Violet: An adaptation?
Charlie Brown: Yes, it's been adapted for children. It's not unlike drinking diluted root beer!
