I've just bought a new computer and rather than getting a monitor etc I've
hooked it up to my existing Wharfedale LCD tv.
I have no external speakers, only the speakers built into my tv but I'm
struggling to find a way of hearing the sound from my pc. To avoid adding
extra clutter I would prefer not to buy external speakers as the speakers on
my tv are more than adequate.
This is starting to drive me mad so any help or advice on this would be very
much appreciated!
I've just bought a new computer and rather than getting a monitor etc I've
hooked it up to my existing Wharfedale LCD tv.
I have no external speakers, only the speakers built into my tv but I'm
struggling to find a way of hearing the sound from my pc. To avoid adding
extra clutter I would prefer not to buy external speakers as the speakers on
my tv are more than adequate.
This is starting to drive me mad so any help or advice on this would be very
much appreciated!