Healthy Eating


Feb 23, 2002
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I've just been tidying the flat up (anything to avoid revision!), and I'm looking at sooooo much unhealthy food overflowing from the cupboards leftover from Christmas.

Normally I think we eat quite well, 95% of days there are a good few portions of fresh veg and no ready meals - so not too bad overall... but probably a few too many snacky things!

Anyone here an uber-healthy eater?
If I had listened to the so called experts telling me what and what-not to consume I am afraid I would have become deceased years ago through malnutrition, so the bottom line in MHO is to eat as your eyes tell you, everything in moderation.:thumb:
What I like> most things!:D What I dislike> anything that contains either of the following, currants/sultanas/cherries,:eek:
I do NOT intend to die of 'natural causes' so I just keep taking the pills. :D

Conversely, is .....
Ian Cunningham said:
Anyone here an uber-UNhealthy eater?
I'm a member of the second list, or was until 31st December, and probably will be again soon when I get bored :D
I work in demolition, and as you can guess everyone there goes for fry ups every day basicly. So I normally get me a sausage cob too ;).

I barely east fruit, but i drink alot of apple and orange juice to try and make up :o.
I try, I really do ;)


I mostly cook just for myself, so it's real hard to use all that fresh salad and veg up, I often end up throwing some of it away.

So, what I do, is eat loads of fruit and few vegetables.

Always munching on a grapefruit, orange, grapes, strawberries and stuff.

Plus loads of mineral water and fruit juice.

It was easier when I was part of a family of five, but taking hours to cook a meal for one or two is just not practical, imo.
Mostly healthy I'm afraid although not fanatical about it, I enjoy the occasional pizza or cheesecake, but I'm afraid I don't like chocolate or sweet things very much. My weakness would be cheese! I could live off the stuff if I had my way & they'd have to put in a new motorway just to get around me! So I stick to the low-fat stuff which tastes so insipid I can say no to it no trouble.
Mind you, it might not be so healthy if I was within walking distance of the nearest chippie ;)
Im pleased with myself

For breakfast i had a bowl of yeo valley fat free bio live vanilla organic yoghurt with 2 cut up fair trade bananas :)
I eat pretty healthily I suppose, loads of fresh fruit and veg etc. I have a wheat intolerance so I avoid wheat and gluten products - get most of my carbs from rice and baked potatoes, which I need as I do alot of sport. A normal breakfast would be gluten free muesli with fresh fruit and yoghurt.
I don't really drink alcohol unless its a special occasion, maybe the odd glass of wine with a meal.
Like Ciri I have a weakness for cheese - just love it, the ripe and smellier the better:eek:
I have at least 3 sunday dinners a week ..meat , veg , yorkshire puds , gravy and lashings of lager .. toast crisps and coffee/tea ...eeeeeeeeeerrrm and i am still going strong ... I love sprouts and green veg ?
How's about....

A frying pan full of beef lard to cook:

Cheapo sausages, full of fat and offal
Streaky bacon, rinds on
2 Eggs
Slices of black pudding
2 fried slices of cheap white bread

with baked beans, a cup of strong coffee with full fat milk and 6 sugars.

And washed down with a pint of non-diet coca cola

And to wrap it up, two jam doughnuts :)

Ok, who can come up with an unhealthier meal than that? :D
floppybootstomp said:
How's about....

A frying pan full of beef lard to cook:

Cheapo sausages, full of fat and offal
Streaky bacon, rinds on
2 Eggs
Slices of black pudding
2 fried slices of cheap white bread

with baked beans, a cup of strong coffee with full fat milk and 6 sugars.

And washed down with a pint of non-diet coca cola

And to wrap it up, two jam doughnuts :)

Ok, who can come up with an unhealthier meal than that? :D
Thanks god you posted Flopps, I was beginning to think I was the only unhealthy heathen on this forum :D
CITech said:
Thanks god you posted Flopps, I was beginning to think I was the only unhealthy heathen on this forum :D

Hey, I don't actually eat that, lol, it was kinda hypothetical :D

I do, however, fry bacon and eggs sometimes, the hell with it ;)

But I use sunflower or olive oil and lean bacon.

And black pudding is gross, hehe :eek:
Cholesterol City

floppybootstomp said:
And black pudding is gross, hehe :eek:
I agree with you there, I'd swap it for a bucket of 'shrooms. Now that makes it into a good healthy diet ...... doesn't it ...... Oh well there's always weightwatchers:o
My diatition said ...

weightwatchers foods are un-healthy.

muckshifter said:
weightwatchers foods are un-healthy.
I agree with you Mucks, they make you go all thin and skinny ...

....... Oh right, they're supposed to, now I understand:D
I eat black pudding now and again....everything in moderation i say....
crazylegs said:
I eat black pudding now and again....everything in moderation i say....

Well, when I said it was gross, I mean I'd actually eat it, but....

Made mostly from pig's blood? :eek:

Nah, pass ;)

Actually went veggie from 96 - 02, am kinda close to it now :)