Headings in memo-style listing are worthless

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The memo-style listing of Outlook Contacts has the USER NAME as a bold
heading for every entry. This is worthless. You don't need (or want) your
own name boldly displayed all over a directory of your contacts. Outlook
Express prints the ENTRY NAME as a bold heading for every entry, even though
it also appears below the line in smaller font. This makes a lot more sense,
and I would like to see it incorporated into Outlook.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

G'Day Bud,

If you don't like it - don't use it!

There are other built-in formats!
G'day, mate!

I don't know what your profession is, but I'll bet you're not a
programmer/analyst. This is not a question of satisfying ME as an
individual. It's a question of the quality of the product. This is a
directory of your contacts. What sense does it make to have your name in
bold type at the top of every entry? No more than it would be to have your
name in the index corner of every page in the telephone directory. I suspect
that the original specs for Outlook called for a "name" in bold font above
each entry, a programmer (devoid of common sense) misunderstood what name was
being called for, and the rest is unevaluated history.

Thanks for your reply, but my suggestion still stands strong.

Bud Vitoff
Minneapolis, MN
'ooroo Blue!

Have you tried printing out in
Card Style?
Phone Directory Style?
(There are also booklet styles).

Perhaps you were unaware that these are available - switch to
Address Cards or Detailed Address Cards before printing.

These styles can be printed on a number of different papers that
include Templates for some proprietary stationery (eg DayRunner).

Memo Style means what it says - it's a Memorandum - to me, and it
is a basic print-style that is available in all folders. It is very useful

As a retired programmer/analyst, I don't feel competent to judge
a Product designed elsewhere and of whose Design Goals I am

What I am competent to do, and I do do it, is to design Templates
for Word or Excel that use Outlook Data to print out my Calendar,
Tasks or Contacts in Precisely the format I (or my one-time clients)
would like.

I am also competent to sit on my hands and Bleat!

I try not to!

Well, we have something in common. I, too, am retired (more or less). I
started programminig in 1957. I appreciate all of your comments, and I am
aware of the other options. It just happens that I find the memo style the
most useful for my purposes, with one exception: That silly heading! Please
give me your best shot at justifying the user name for all entries without
getting into a bunch of related items, and I'll stop the ranting. Oh yes,
please do not answer "Left justfied".

G'Day (again) Bud,
..........It just happens that I find the memo style the
most useful for my purposes, with one exception:
See Sue Moshers article:
Uses MailMerge (in Outlook) to a Word Form doc.
It not only solves the problem you describe, but maybe a few as
yet unimagined.

more MailMerge.

uses Access (linked to Outlook) as the reporting tool.
... give me your best shot at justifying the user name for all entries ...
Nope! I have never wasted my time "justifying" anything, 'n I aint
starting now!
... and I'll stop the ranting ...
Please don't feel you need to stop ranting - if ranting keeps you sane,
then you go right ahead and rant - maybe even rave a little as well.
Just get off your backside and follow up some of the ideas (above), and
just maybe you'll wake up one day and wonder what all the Silence is.
Best Regards,
Pat Garard
Melbourne, Australia

Isso é o Fim! Das ist das Ende! Quella è la Fine!
C'est la fin! ¡Ése es el Fin!
That's It!
Thanks for everything. It's been fun. I'll assume that you are not going to
vote for my suggestion. :-)