Headers not printing since IE7 install

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Hi All,

since installing IE7, the headers on emails will not print out (ie. Date,
time, sender and recipient information).

Can anyone provide any insight or help on this issue?

I have 80+ workstations that are being affected and am hoping that I will
not have to uninstall IE7 of all 80+ machines.

Sorry but should have indicated which version of Outlook we are using.

Outlook version: 2003

I have not seen this issue with the final version of IE7, but the issue you
are seeing seems to be tied to HTML formatted messages. If your users
change the message format of the received item to plain text/rich text, they
will get the headers.

I've asked posters if they can part with a sample (e.g. save item as *.msg,
zip, and send) in order to determine if there is something funky with the
HTML stream, but I've had no takers.

I will send you a zipped copy of the emails concerned in the .msg format.
Where would you like it sent?
Just for your information we are not using the beta release we are using the
final release verision 7.0.5730.11, which was customised using the IEAK. The
system is on a Windows Domain.
Server is Windows 2003, Workstations are XP SP2 and Office version is 2003.

Thanks for your help.

email addy is neo at mvps dot org

this account gets a ton of spam, so you could you tag the subject line with
"[From the Outlook Newsgroups]"?
