
Feb 23, 2002
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Anyone here have a HDTV? I saw one a couple of weeks ago in a Sony Centre shop, and I was amazed :eek:

They had a 32" Flatscreen with some sort of demo on it, and it looked much better than a normal TV image. I was very surprised at the difference it made, as I thought of HDTV as a bit of a gimmick at the moment - seems I was quite wrong!

Anyone here got one, or used one in a bit more depth? I'd be interested to hear what they are like :)
My TV is acually HDTV compatible but we do not have any High Definition broadcasts nor I have the HD-DVD yet. Nonetheless, the picture quality is excellent even with normal DVD. :D
At the moment Ian, sky are the only ones doing the HD package for the HDtv that you saw, yes the picture quality is amazing as i have seen the broadcasts myself from sky, but its gonna cost you an arm and a leg if you want to watch that sort of quality every day...

I think the monthly package is £43.00 a month

Watching a normal broadcast on a HD sreen is no different quality wise to watching a normal broadcast on a standard flatscreen tv, I know that becuase my dad's just bought the latest HD ready 32" Philips flatscreen.

We should hopefully all be getting the HD downloads to our tv's in about 5 years time thats if you don't want to pay for it..
I'm not planning on getting it yet myself, especially not at £43/month just to watch TV :eek:

I'll probably jump on the bandwagon in 5 years time when it becomes the norm :) I can't wait to get HD-DVD's, as that will look fantastic!
Ian Cunningham said:
I can't wait to get HD-DVD's, as that will look fantastic!

Don't forget Blu-Ray which is a direct competitor to HD-DVD, not sure which format will take off and which will die away. There is no standard set yet. Besides, the first generation players would be obsolete pretty quickly as is the tradition. Anyway, it is all very exciting :D
Sky will charge you £400 quid for the HD box too. :rolleyes:

But in fairness it does look good.
i reckon Blu Ray will eventually become dominant, and hd-dvd will die away like betamax and audio casettes...
my dad recently got a ke-50 (to long codename)

it is a rear projection but is thin 1300 pounds with stand

has loads of connections

has h.d connectivity

freeview intergrated

virtual dolby

and a pc in

great t.v and is 50 inches
PotGuy said:
i reckon Blu Ray will eventually become dominant, and hd-dvd will die away like betamax and audio casettes...

You must have a very valid reason behind that claim, if you could could please share it with us that would be great :)
lol, im just very opinionated methinks...

nah its just generally what i've heard is it is that a higher number of major companies are backing the blu ray format, and it seems at the moment blu ray seems to have an edge. They have major backing, and have a capacity 40% bigger than an hd dvd, with people already working on a 100gb version in their labs. However it is likely that the blu ray discs will be more expensive by a good few quid at least.

On the upside for hd dvd it requires very little change in manufacturing process from current dvds, so costs are lower. This means also that it will almost certainly be released months sooner than blu ray, and if the VHS/Betamax war was anything to go by, the quickest, and cheapest, to market has a much better chance of winning.

Personally, as consumers in general are more aware of technilogical advantages than they may have been in the previous format war, i would think that most people would be prepared to wait to get a superior product this time around.

dont forget too, that the ps3 will be out at sometime (hopefully...) and that will have native blu ray tech. and considering the apparent lack of interest in the xbox 360, i would think that if sony get it just right, then that would be one of the final nails in the HD-DVD coffin.

Do I always have to put a gun on your temple to get info out of you? :D

There are opinionated people out there who do not know what they are talking about, you do ;) Very well put! :thumb:

I just hope the consumers are more careful before embracing any technology and not get the history to repeat itself. I personally also think Blu-ray has more to offer than HD-DVD since Blu-Ray has been developed from ground up unlike HD-DVD which is more of a variant of the current DVD format than anything else.
i have a 44inch plasma Hdtv and the picture is amazing(also cool to hang the tv on the wall).it does 480p,1080i,and 720p..i have a progressive scan dvd ,so i can appreciate 480p..also have high definition cable service(720p) and it pops.just fantastic to look at :)