I've got an HDTV Wonder card. Everything works fine in DTV except it won't
receive one channel (Ch 38 in Chicago) It's not a signal strength problem.
I think Ch 38 is in the Sears building and I can see that out my window.
I'm using a fairly large VHF/UHF antenna on the roof. When I go to Ch 38,
it shows 6 channels of Ch 38 (38-1, 38-2 . . .) Also says the name of the
channel like PAX-38,PAX MTN and the format (SD480i). I'm guessing the HDTV
Wonder doesn't handle all DTV formats? I wonder if there will be upgrade
s/w available?
Anybody else see this?
receive one channel (Ch 38 in Chicago) It's not a signal strength problem.
I think Ch 38 is in the Sears building and I can see that out my window.
I'm using a fairly large VHF/UHF antenna on the roof. When I go to Ch 38,
it shows 6 channels of Ch 38 (38-1, 38-2 . . .) Also says the name of the
channel like PAX-38,PAX MTN and the format (SD480i). I'm guessing the HDTV
Wonder doesn't handle all DTV formats? I wonder if there will be upgrade
s/w available?
Anybody else see this?