HDTV AllInWonder - Cannot Get Rid of Parental Lock Overlay on Easylook

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roger
  • Start date Start date



Included with my HDTV AllInWonder card was a "Remote Wonder Plus" that
has buttons similar to (but different from) both the original Remote
Wonder and Remote Wonder II.

When I start DTV with the remote, the upper right corner of the screen
always has a parental control unlock icon. Recording a program adds a
recording icon to the same area. I can get rid of the recording icon by
stopping the recording, but cannot get rid of the parental control
unlock icon.

I cannot believe ATI intended this to be a permanent feature -- there
must be a way to make the overlays disappear. However, I have tried
every button on my remote with no luck. Anyone know how to do this?

Bonus points: Is there a manual for the "Remote Wonder Plus" somewhere?
My CD contains manuals for both the "Remote Wonder" and the "Remote
Wonder II", but not the "Plus".

Roger said:

Included with my HDTV AllInWonder card was a "Remote Wonder Plus" that has
buttons similar to (but different from) both the original Remote Wonder
and Remote Wonder II.

When I start DTV with the remote, the upper right corner of the screen
always has a parental control unlock icon. Recording a program adds a
recording icon to the same area. I can get rid of the recording icon by
stopping the recording, but cannot get rid of the parental control unlock

I cannot believe ATI intended this to be a permanent feature -- there must
be a way to make the overlays disappear. However, I have tried every
button on my remote with no luck. Anyone know how to do this?

Bonus points: Is there a manual for the "Remote Wonder Plus" somewhere? My
CD contains manuals for both the "Remote Wonder" and the "Remote Wonder
II", but not the "Plus".


Go to the ATI MC Configuration Menu and go down to "Options" and untick
"Display Permanent Indicators"