Terry Pinnell said:
I've sadly recently found evidence that one of my 60 GB Maxtor HDs is
at risk of failing. It's especially worrying as this 3-year old drive
contains my two most important partitions: C:, my Win XP Home OS and
half my program files; and D:, most of my data and the other half of
my program files. The evidence came in the form of chkdsk reporting
bad block and bad sectors, plus HDTach failing during the final of the
4-part 'Quick Test' (the Sequential Read).
Anyway, all that preamble is background for when I return later to
seek help on the optimum strategy for safely replacing this drive, if
indeed it proves necessary.
For the moment, I'm just looking to download one other tool I've seen
recommended, hdtune. But all the links I follow lead to
http://www.hdtune.com/ which fails, with a timeout error.
Is that just a temporary problem, or has the site gone? Is there an
alternative source to download this please?
OK, found and ran HDTune. It confirmed I have a problem with that
3-year old Maxtor HD. I'll give details in a moment, but thought it
might first be of interest to report the *contradictory* findings of
another program I saw recommended, HDDLife, which I ran a little
(I've scrolled the lower window to show the pertinent partitions:
0=C&D; 1=E&F; 2=J)
Clearly HDTach and now HDTune don't share that cheerful view ;-(
HD Tune: MAXTOR 6L060J3 Health
(HD0, partitions C & D. This is the suspect drive.)
ID Current Worst ThresholdData Status
(01) Raw Read Error Rate 100 253 20 0 Ok
(03) Spin Up Time 67 64 20 4174 Ok
(04) Start/Stop Count 100 100 8 321 Ok
(05) Reallocated Sector Count 99 99 20 9 Failed
(07) Seek Error Rate 100 1 23 0 Failed
(09) Power On Hours Count 60 60 1 26756 Ok
(0A) Spin Retry Count 100 100 0 0 Ok
(0B) Calibration Retry Count 100 100 20 0 Ok
(0C) Power Cycle Count 100 100 8 284 Ok
(0D) Soft Read Error Rate 100 77 23 0 Ok
(C2) Temperature 82 75 42 47 Ok
(C3) Hardware ECC Recovered 100 1 0 39294398 Ok
(C4) Reallocated Event Count 100 100 20 0 Ok
(C5) Current Pending Sector 99 99 20 9 Ok
(C6) Offline Uncorrectable 100 253 0 0 Ok
(C7) Ultra DMA CRC Error Count 193 193 0 7 Ok
Power On Time : 26756
Health Status : Failed
For comparison, here's the report on HD1 (partitions E & F) which is
physically identical to above, about 2.5 yrs old.
HD Tune: MAXTOR 6L060J3 Health
ID Current Worst ThresholdData Status
(01) Raw Read Error Rate 100 253 20 0 Ok
(03) Spin Up Time 67 64 20 4131 Ok
(04) Start/Stop Count 100 100 8 242 Ok
(05) Reallocated Sector Count 100 100 20 0 Ok
(07) Seek Error Rate 100 100 23 0 Ok
(09) Power On Hours Count 67 67 1 22104 Ok
(0A) Spin Retry Count 100 100 0 0 Ok
(0B) Calibration Retry Count 100 100 20 0 Ok
(0C) Power Cycle Count 100 100 8 231 Ok
(0D) Soft Read Error Rate 100 100 23 0 Ok
(C2) Temperature 84 78 42 43 Ok
(C3) Hardware ECC Recovered 100 100 0 3805 Ok
(C4) Reallocated Event Count 100 100 20 0 Ok
(C5) Current Pending Sector 100 100 20 0 Ok
(C6) Offline Uncorrectable 100 253 0 0 Ok
(C7) Ultra DMA CRC Error Count 200 200 0 0 Ok
Power On Time : 22104
Health Status : Ok
I also did an error sacn on HD0 and was pleased to see that I now
appear to have no bad blocks.
Also, here's the 'Info' tab for HD0:
(I'm curious about that Active entry, bottom right, which is the same
for both these drives.)
BTW, it's another subject, but I'm disappointed that HD2 is treated as
a 'SCSI' HD, and therefore outside the scope of this 'SMART' stuff.
That's presumably somehow due to the PCI card I had to install first,
which is a 'HighPoint Rocket 133 2CH'? Hopefully some here will recall
the earlier thread when I sought advice on obtaining and installing
that third HD. I'd assumed it would behave just like my other Maxtors,
but apparently not ;-(
Anyway, the key question now is, what should I do? I'll place an order
for a new HD (yet another within a couple of months - the spectre of
bankruptcy looms!) and hopefully get help here on how to prepare for
But as a preliminary question: are there any steps I can take to
correct/repair the drive, at least partially? Chkdsk? What about
Scandisk, is that still around (can't see it at a quick look here)? Is
it even worth investing in something like Spinrite, or similar?
How desperate should I be anyway? Is there a case for *immediately*
copying the entire contents of D: plus the non-OS part of C: onto J:,
where luckily I have lots of space? And then focus on the issue of my
Any and all help would be warmly appreciated please.