HDD wont format



I am replacing an 80 gig hdd with a new 80 gig drive but
no matter what I seem to do I keep getting the error
message " the format failed to complete " or the other
one is " windows cannot complete the format " or another
one is " the disk in drive d cannot be formatted ". I am
trying to format in NTFS, in fact I dont have an option.
The new drive is a seagate drive. I have used their
sofware to format it and I get the message, " the drive
is formatted and ready to use " hoever windows gives me
the message " this drive is not formatted, would you like
to format now? " and so it goes on and on. Help please


Have you checked the drive using diagnostic software

perhaps the drive is faulty. You should test it first then you can rule out
that possibility.

Apart from that have you got the links set correctly for a secondary drive
(I assume that is what you are trying because you reference "the disk in
drive d:") be sure the links are correct on both drives, sometimes cable
select is best.

best of luck


Boot up with your XP CD, remove all partitions from that HD, create a new
partition, then format the HD with NTFS.


-----Original Message-----
Have you checked the drive using diagnostic software

perhaps the drive is faulty. You should test it first then you can rule out
that possibility.

Apart from that have you got the links set correctly for a secondary drive
(I assume that is what you are trying because you reference "the disk in
drive d:") be sure the links are correct on both drives, sometimes cable
select is best.
Hi thanks , I have used the seagate software and it says
all is ok. I have set the jumpers for cable select so
lord only knows what to do next. Bin it and try another
make, Maxtor perhaps.


-----Original Message-----
Boot up with your XP CD, remove all partitions from that HD, create a new
partition, then format the HD with NTFS.
I havnt tried that. I will and I,ll let you know how I
get on. Thanks


If you want help with your system then answers like "Didn't Work" will not
get you far! What exactly didn't work" The CD didn't boot, you did not get
an install screen, XP setup could not see the drive/partition could not
partition could not format or just gave you the finger on your monitor!

A bit more specific information, any error messages or info about your
hardware would be useful!



Sorry, wasn't trying to bite your head off. Anyway, assuming your SATA
controller supports LBA and assuming that you have SP1 installed it should
work OK. You may have to do the registry tweak that can be found on the
MSKB or through Google for enabling LBA - not sure if this will help.

One last thing you can do is try getting the diagnostic SW from Seagate and
check the drive. They also probably have a program with the capability of
formating it as well. These are about all of the ideas that I have. Some
PATA have jumpers on them limiting the functional size of the drive to work
on non-LBA HW/SW configurations but do not think SATA drives have same. You
might check though just to be sure.

Good Luck, Sorry I can't be of too much assistance.


No problem. Unfortunately, I've already tried your suggestions, either on my
own initiative, or prompted by Seagate tech support. Thanks anyway, though.

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