HDD Wiping Technology

Mar 1, 2007
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Good Day,

Hi to all I.T expert. I wanted to wipe off my HDD, and don't wanna have any file can be retrieve by using software or hardware method.

I have a wiping software. But it have few standard for me to choose.

Could expert advise me which standard to use in order to destroy every single bit of data in the HDD.

1) Quick Wiping (One pass/No check)
2) Quick Wiping (One pass/Check)
3) Quick Wiping (Random Pass)
4) Stop Software Recovery Tools
5) AFSSI-5020
6) NAVSO P-5239-26 (RLL) (3 passes)
7) NAVSO P-5239-26 (MFM) (3 passes)
8) Russian GOST P50739-95
9) Germen VSITR
10) Stop Hardware REcovery (DoD)
11) B. Schneier's algorithm (7 passes)
12) 3+7+3 Beyond DoD Standards
13) Stop Hardware Recovery (Gutmann)

And what does it mean for passes, 3 passes, and 7 passes?

Thank you very much
Best Regards,
Hi Eric,

The number of passes normally refers to the amount of times all of the drive data is overwritten with zeros. Any of those from #5 onwards should be fine. If it's good enough for the USAF/DoD etc... then it must be ok. #10 is probably a good choice if you want to be thorough, but it will take quite a while I'd guess.
Dear Ian,

Thank you very much for the reply. Your reply was helped me alot. Thank you very much.

Appreciate it much.

Best Regards,