(message (Hello 'Rod)
(you :wrote

n '(Sun, 21 Jan 2007 06:12:09 +1100))
??>> there is acoustic management in some HDDs.
RS> That only affects the head movement noise, not the rotation noise.
hmm, i don't remember hearing 'rotation noise'. HDDs are noisy when doing
btw 10k rpm WD RaptorX is very noisy.
??>> it was controllable in older models of IDE Seagate Barracuda, but now
??>> it's locked
??>> IDE models are more silent, SATA models are less silent.
RS> Wrong. The interface has no effect on the noise.
Wrong. it's Seagate policy -- they want to promote their SATA product
claiming that it's faster, but certainly SATA don't show significant
benefits by itself. so, they did lock AAM settings -- they set PATA to
slower settings and SATA to faster (and more noisy). now you can see some
difference in benchmarks and say 'oh, that SATA is faster'.
(With-best-regards '(Alex Mizrahi) :aka 'killer_storm)
"People who lust for the Feel of keys on their fingertips (c) Inity")