Al Dykes
Looking for a utility to power down on hard disk manually.
Have you tried setting inactivity timers in
ControlPanel/PowerManagement ?
Looking for a utility to power down on hard disk manually.
ControlPanel/PowerManagement ?
Yeah but I wanto to force power down of a single disk @ once......
the OS would be very happy when it powered up again.
Well I have en external firewire enclosure with a 120gigs 7200 HD inside
(IBM). Apart from being aliminium made, the enclosure after a while gets
quite hot, that means inside the disk must be boily.
A haven't got a way to test the temp., cause monitoring utility access bios
info on the mobo, not on firewire interface. So I tried the powerdown power
management Xp built in utility but nothing. I am looking know for a utility
to stop the disk while online.......to coolit down. I'ts only a backup